javascript - 无法知道是否正在插入值

标签 javascript arrays

我正在从用户那里获取输入并将这些值保存在名为 movie2 的新数组中。如果用户再次输入输入,则应检查 movie2 数组中的值,如果匹配,则应弹出一个像已添加的内容一样的弹出窗口,如果是不同的输入,则应将这些值添加到 movie2 数组中。我已经尝试了很多次,但无论用户输入什么,它都会被添加,它不会进行比较。

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Movie Mania</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Movie.css" >
    <script src="Movie.js"></script>

   <div class="content">

   <div class="matter">

   <p class="header">Movie Mania</p>
  <div class="regis">

   <form class="reg">

    <input type="text" name="user" id="movie" placeholder="Please enter any 
    movie name"  size="40"><hr>
    <div><input type="submit" class="button" value="Search" id="sub" 
    onclick="validation()" /></div >



           var movie1 = ["Bahubali", "The Final Destination", "The Cars ","P.K ","   Bajarangi Baijaan ","Force "];
   var movie2=[];
   function validation() {
    var movie = document.getElementById("movie").value;
   if (!movie.trim()) { //its validate the input empty undefined null
     var name2 = "Please enter your favoite movie name";
     else if (movie1.includes(movie)) { // includes used for  find the value is in array or not
    var name2 = "Movie exists in our database";
      else {

    function insert(){
      var movie = document.getElementById("movie").value;


        var name2="Movie already added to Array 2";
        var name2 = "Movie added into Array2";


<强> .includes() 是 ES2016 的一部分,尚未在所有浏览器中完全实现。使用.indexOf() 相反。现在,当值不存在时,indexOf() 返回-1;当值不存在时,返回项目的索引位置。你有:


这不是测试 indexOf() 的正确方法。如果 indexOf() 返回 0,则意味着在数组的第一个位置找到了该项目(索引从 0 开始)。但是,因为您尝试将其与 true 进行比较,所以 true 将转换为数字(以执行数字与数字的比较),并将转换为 1..由于 0 不等于 1,因此测试将失败,并插入影片,即使它已经存在。

此外,当使用 var 关键字进行声明时,JavaScript 没有 block 级作用域。如果在函数中的任何位置使用 var 声明变量,则其作用域是整个函数。因此,您不能在 if 的一个分支中声明变量,然后在另一个分支中再次声明该变量。实际上,您甚至不需要设置 name 变量,因为您使用它所做的只是立即将其显示在 alert() 中。相反,您可以将字符串放入 alert() 中。

此外,不要使用内联 HTML 事件属性(onclick 等)。 <强> Here's why


// Get refrence to button and textbox
var btn = document.querySelector("form.reg input[type=button]");

// Don't create references to DOM properties because if you decide you want
// to get the value of a different property later, you'll have to scan the DOM
// for the element all over again. Just get a reference to the element once and
// then you can access whatever property you need when you need it.
var movie = document.getElementById("movie");

// Set up click event handler
btn.addEventListener("click", validate);

var movie2 = [];

// Your two functions are redundant. They can be combined into this one:
function validate(evt){

  // Access the property of the DOM object you want (user input should always be trimmed)
  var mv = movie.value.trim();

  // Quick test for input:
  if(mv === "") {
    alert("You didn't enter anything!");

  // If we've gotten this far, there is input, so test to see if it is already in the array
  var message = "";
  if(movie2.indexOf(mv) > -1){
    message = "Movie already added to Array 2!!!!";
  } else {    
    message = "Movie added to Array 2";
  // Just for testing:
<div class="content">
  <div class="matter">
    <p class="header">Movie Mania</p>
    <div class="regis">

       <form class="reg" action="#">
         <input type="text" name="user" id="movie" placeholder="Please enter any movie name" size="40">
           <input type="button" class="button" value="Search" id="sub">

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