javascript - 如何在 ASP.NET MVC 中的存储库上执行函数?

标签 javascript c# dropdown

我遇到了与此类似的问题,但该解决方案似乎不适用于此处。我正在尝试调用重载的存储库函数来根据 View 下拉列表中选择的选择选项对 View 数据进行排序。


我的 Html View

<select id="sortSelect" onchange="CallChangeFunction()">
    <option value="default">Default</option>
    <option value="make">Make</option>
    <option value="model">Model</option>
    <option value="year">Year</option>

    function CallChangeFunction(val) {
        alert("Do something here to make it sort!");


IEnumerable<ListingStat> GetListingStats(int inCompanyID, int inMonth, int inYear);

public IEnumerable<ListingStat> GetListingStats(int inCompanyID, int inMonth, int inYear)
    //var x = document.getElementById("sortSelect").value;

    // there's probably a way to make ef do this query in an efficient manner.. but, there aren't nice keys between listingstats and makemodel stats, and I'm not going to create them for the sake of ef
    var theSQL = "select d.DatePK, ls.*, " +
                 "mm.Make as MM_Make, mm.Model as MM_Model, mm.ListingsThatWereActive as MM_ListingCount, mm.MedianPriceExcludeZero as MM_MedianPrice, mm.PopularityRank as MM_PopularityRank, " +
                 "mm.PopularityMaxRank as MM_PopularityMaxRank, mm.AverageFavorites as MM_Favorites, mm.AverageSearchImpressions as MM_SearchImpressions, mm.AverageBuyerInquiries as MM_BuyerInquiries, mm.AveragePhoneInquiries as MM_PhoneInquiries, mm.AverageListingViews as MM_ListingViews, " +
                 "ymm.SupplyDemandIntegerPercentile as YMM_SupplyDemandPercentile, ymm.TotalListingViews as YMM_TotalListingViews " +
                 "from " +
                 "PerformanceDataMart.Dates d " +
                 "left outer join PerformanceDataMart.ListingStats ls on ls.DateFK = d.DatePK and ls.CompanyId = :CompanyID " +
                 "left outer join PerformanceDataMart.MakeModelStats mm on mm.DateFK = d.DatePK and mm.Make = ls.Make and mm.Model = ls.Model and mm.Year is null " +
                 "left outer join PerformanceDataMart.MakeModelStats ymm on ymm.DateFK = d.DatePK and ymm.Make = ls.Make and ymm.Model = ls.Model and ymm.Year = ls.Year " +
                 "where d.Month = :Month and d.Year = :Year";

    var theDB = new CCDB();

    List<ListingStat> theList = new List<ListingStat>();

    using (IDataReader aDR = theDB.OpenDataReader(theSQL, inCompanyID, inMonth, inYear))
            ListingStat theListingStat = new ListingStat();

            theListingStat.ListingId = As.Integer(aDR["ListingId"]);
            theListingStat.Year = As.Integer(aDR["Year"]);
            theListingStat.Make = As.String(aDR["MM_Make"]);
            if (theListingStat.Make == "")          // shouldn't happen, but just in case
                theListingStat.Make = As.String(aDR["Make"]);

            theListingStat.Model = As.String(aDR["MM_Model"]);
            if (theListingStat.Model == "")             // shouldn't happen, but just in case
                theListingStat.Model = As.String(aDR["Model"]);

    return theList;


在页面上包含 Jquery 并尝试这个:

    $(function () {
        $("#sortSelect").change(function () {

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