javascript - 使用 jquery 进行 knockout 自动完成不允许选择自定义值

标签 javascript jquery knockout.js autocomplete

我已阅读 this topic如何通过 knockout 实现自动完成。





ko.bindingHandlers.autoComplete = {
    // Only using init event because the Jquery.UI.AutoComplete widget will take care of the update callbacks
    init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
        // { selected: mySelectedOptionObservable, options: myArrayOfLabelValuePairs }
        var settings = valueAccessor();

        var selectedOption = settings.selected;
        var options = settings.options;
        var elVal = $(element).val();

        var updateElementValueWithLabel = function (event, ui) {
            // Stop the default behavior

            // Update the value of the html element with the label 
            // of the activated option in the list (ui.item)
            $(element).val(ui.item !== null ? ui.item.label : elVal);

            // Update our SelectedOption observable
            if(typeof ui.item !== "undefined") {
                // ui.item - label|value|...

            source: options,
            select: function (event, ui) {
                updateElementValueWithLabel(event, ui);
            focus: function (event, ui) {
                updateElementValueWithLabel(event, ui);
            change: function (event, ui) {
                updateElementValueWithLabel(event, ui);

// Array with original data
var remoteData = [{
    name: 'Ernie',
    id: 1
}, {
    name: 'Bert',
    id: 2
}, {
    name: 'Germaine',
    id: 3
}, {
    name: 'Sally',
    id: 4
}, {
    name: 'Daisy',
    id: 5
}, {
    name: 'Peaches',
    id: 6

function ViewModel() {
    var self = this;
    self.users = remoteData;
    self.selectedOption = ko.observable('');
    self.options = (element) {
        // JQuery.UI.AutoComplete expects label & value properties, but we can add our own
        return {
            // This way we still have acess to the original object
            object: element

$(function () {
    ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<input type="text" data-bind="autoComplete: { selected: selectedOption, options: options }" />

<!-- Debugging -->
<p data-bind="text: ko.toJSON(selectedOption())"></p>


如果您想要修改绑定(bind)以接受选项列表中没有的值,您需要调整 updateElementValueWithLabel 以在未选择项目时不重置元素值。

ko.bindingHandlers.autoComplete = {
    // Only using init event because the Jquery.UI.AutoComplete widget will take care of the update callbacks
    init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
        // { selected: mySelectedOptionObservable, options: myArrayOfLabelValuePairs }
        var settings = valueAccessor();

        var selectedOption = settings.selected;
        var options = settings.options;
        var elVal = $(element).val();

        var updateElementValueWithLabel = function (event, ui) {
            // Stop the default behavior

            // Update our SelectedOption observable
            if(ui.item) {
                // Update the value of the html element with the label 
                // of the activated option in the list (ui.item)
                // ui.item - label|value|...

            source: options,
            select: function (event, ui) {
                updateElementValueWithLabel(event, ui);
            change: function (event, ui) {
                updateElementValueWithLabel(event, ui);

// Array with original data
var remoteData = [{
    name: 'Ernie',
    id: 1
}, {
    name: 'Bert',
    id: 2
}, {
    name: 'Germaine',
    id: 3
}, {
    name: 'Sally',
    id: 4
}, {
    name: 'Daisy',
    id: 5
}, {
    name: 'Peaches',
    id: 6

function ViewModel() {
    var self = this;
    self.users = remoteData;
    self.selectedOption = ko.observable('');
    self.options = (element) {
        // JQuery.UI.AutoComplete expects label & value properties, but we can add our own
        return {
            // This way we still have acess to the original object
            object: element

$(function () {
    ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<input type="text" data-bind="autoComplete: { selected: selectedOption, options: options }" />

<!-- Debugging -->
<p data-bind="text: ko.toJSON(selectedOption())"></p>

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