javascript - 随机化 li 项并卡住多个

标签 javascript jquery random

我需要随机化 5-n 里项目的列表,并为特定位置的 1-5 项目设置,例如,我有

  1. 一个
  2. b
  3. c
  4. d
  5. e
  6. f

我想随机化最后 4 个并放在 li[0] 字母 D 和 li[2] 字母 F 上 结果:

  1. d
  2. f
  3. c
  4. b
  5. 一个
  6. e


    var ul = document.querySelector('ul');
    for (var i = ul.children.length; i >= 0; i--) {

    if(ul.children.innerHTML == "XXX") {
    if(ul.children.innerHTML == "XXXX") {
    if(ul.children.innerText == "XX") {
    } else {
        ul.appendChild(ul.children[generateRandom(i) | 0]);

function generateRandom(i) {
    var num = Math.random() * i | 0;
    return (num === 0 || num === 1 || num === 2) ? generateRandom(i) : num;


var $test = $('#test');
var $li = $test.children();

while ($li.length > 0) {
  //pick a random li from the variable
  var $next = $li.eq( Math.floor( Math.random() * 10 * $li.length ) % $li.length );
  //move it to the end of ul
  //remove the li from our variable so it won't be found again
  $li = $li.not($next);

//move the f to the top, so when we move the d to the top it will be second
$test.prepend($test.children().filter(function(){ return this.innerHTML === 'f'; }));
//move the d to the top
$test.prepend($test.children().filter(function(){ return this.innerHTML === 'd'; }));
<script src=""></script>
<ul id="test">

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