javascript - 可点击的 html 表格单元格

标签 javascript html

我正在制作一个井字棋游戏。我已经将表格单元格设置为可点击,一旦点击它们,它们就会运行一个名为 playPVPGame 的函数。首先,随机选择 O 和 X 作为先行者。我在页面的一 Angular 有文字来指示轮到谁了。最初,文本将是“O 首先”或“X 首先”。之后,根据回合,它将更改为“X 是下一个”或“O 是下一个”。问题是在初始文本之后,转弯并没有像我想要的那样来回。

     var $ = function(id) {
    	return document.getElementById(id);
    var newGameAction = function()
    	//clear table
    	$("c1").innerHTML = "";
    	$("c2").innerHTML = "";
    	$("c3").innerHTML = "";
    	$("c4").innerHTML = "";
    	$("c5").innerHTML = "";
    	$("c6").innerHTML = "";
    	$("c7").innerHTML = "";
    	$("c8").innerHTML = "";
    	$("c9").innerHTML = "";
    var pVpAction = function(elem)
    	var outputTect;
    	var turnCounter = 0;
    	var first_Turn = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
    	$("firstTurn").innerHTML = first_Turn;
    	first_turn = $("firstTurn").innerHTML;
    	if(first_turn == 0)
    		message = "O goes first";
    	if(first_turn == 1)
    		message = "X goes first";
    	$("goNext").innerHTML = message;
    var playPVPGame = function(elem) 
    	var turn = $("goNext").innerHTML;
    	var message;
    	if(turn == "O goes first")
    	{ = "red";
    		elem.innerHTML = "O";
    		turn = "X is next";
    		$("goNext").innerHTML = turn;
    	if(turn == "X goes first")
    	{ = "blue";
    		elem.innerHTML = "X";
    		turn = "O is next";
    		$("goNext").innerHTML = turn;
    	//does not work
    	/*if($("goNext").innerHTML = "X is next")
    		$("newGame").disabled = true;
    	message = $("goNext").innerHTML;
    	if(message == "X is next")
    	{ = "blue";
    		elem.innerHTML = "X";
    		message = "O is next";
    		$("goNext").innerHTML = message;
    	if(message == "O is next")
    	{ = "red";
    		elem.innerHTML = "O";
    		message = "X is next";
    		$("goNext").innerHTML = message;
    window.onload = function() {
    	$("newGame").onclick = newGameAction;
    	$("playerVplayer").onclick = pVpAction;
table {width:100%}
table tr td{border:1px solid #000;height:50px;}
<script src=""></script>
<span id="firstTurn">&nbsp;</span>
		<span id= "goNext"> &nbsp;</span>
		<table class = "board">
				<td id = "c1" onclick="playPVPGame(this)" > . </td>
				<td id = "c2" onclick="playPVPGame(this)"> . </td>
				<td id = "c3" onclick="playPVPGame(this)"> . </td>
				<td id = "c4" onclick="playPVPGame(this)"> . </td>
				<td id = "c5" onclick="playPVPGame(this)"> . </td>
				<td id = "c6" onclick="playPVPGame(this)"> . </td>
				<td id = "c7" onclick="playPVPGame(this)"> . </td>
				<td id = "c8" onclick="playPVPGame(this)">. </td>
				<td id = "c9" onclick="playPVPGame(this)"> .</td>

	<input type="button"
			id= "newGame"
			value="New Game"/>
	<input type="radio"
			id= "playerVplayer"
			value="Player vs Player"/>
	<input type="radio"
			id= "playerVcpu"
			value="Player vs CPU"/>


将当前玩家(“X”或“O”)存储在变量中,而不是从 GUI 中读取。

从 GUI 中读取内容是不好的做法,您必须问这个问题才能说明为什么会出现这种情况。

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