javascript - Card.js - 在表单中找不到数字输入

标签 javascript jquery forms



Card can't find a numberInput in your form.
Card can't find a expiryInput in your form.
Card can't find a cvcInput in your form.
Card can't find a nameInput in your form.

我目前正在使用 jquery.card.js,这是我从此处下载的最新版本 ( ) 并从“dist”文件夹中提取。


<div class="box-body" style="">
    <div class='card-wrapper'></div>
    <!-- CSS is included via this JavaScript file -->

    <input type="text" name="number" class="form-control" id="number">
    <input type="text" name="expiry" class="form-control"/>
    <input type="text" name="cvc" class="form-control"/>
    <input type="text" name="name" class="form-control"/>


    // a selector or DOM element for the container
    // where you want the card to appear
    container: '.card-wrapper', // *required*

    // all of the other options from above

            formatting: true, // optional - default true

            // Strings for translation - optional
            messages: {
                validDate: 'valid\ndate', // optional - default 'valid\nthru'
                monthYear: 'mm/yyyy', // optional - default 'month/year'

            // Default placeholders for rendered fields - optional
            placeholders: {
                number: '•••• •••• •••• ••••',
                name: 'Full Name',
                expiry: '••/••',
                cvc: '•••'

            formSelectors: {
                numberInput: 'input[name="number"]', // optional — default input[name="number"]
                expiryInput: 'input[name="expiry"]', // optional — default input[name="expiry"]
                cvcInput: 'input[name="cvc"]', // optional — default input[name="cvc"]
                nameInput: 'input[name="name"]' // optional - defaults input[name="name"]

            // if true, will log helpful messages for setting up Card
            debug: true // optional - default false



事实证明,我需要将行: $('form').card({ 更改为表单的特定 ID。它现在可以工作了。

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