javascript - Node : display an image not in public folder

标签 javascript node.js express ejs

我想显示不在我的网站根目录的公共(public)文件夹中的图像。 我的等级制度:

----public <- Here is where stylesheets and other images are
------index.ejs <- Here I want to display the file.jpg
------username <- this folder is named by the user
--------assignment <- this folder is named by the assignment

我不知道,我可以将其移动到公共(public)文件夹中并通过 robots.txt 对其进行规则,但我想,也许有更好的解决方案。


您可以将 data 目录作为静态目录,就像您的公共(public)目录 -- Serving static files in Express 。您可能需要在静态路由之前设置一些身份验证中间件,否则每个人都能够看到彼此的数据。


// User authentication middleware
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
    // Some implementation that determines the user that made the request.
    req.username = 'foo';

// Serve the public assets to all authenticated users

// Prevent users from accessing other users data
app.use('/data/userdata/{username}/*', function(req, res, next) {
    if (req.username === req.path.username) {
    } else {
        res.sendStatus(401); // Unauthorized

// Serve the data assets to users that passed through the previous route
app.use('/data', express.static('data'));

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