c++ - 类模板成员函数没有 "redefinition of default parameter error"?

标签 c++ visual-c++ templates compiler-construction


// T.h

template<class T> class X
    void foo(int a = 42);

// Main.cpp

#include "T.h"
#include <iostream>

template<class T> void X<T>::foo(int a = 13)
    std::cout << a << std::endl;

int main()
    X<int> x;
    x.foo();   // prints 42

似乎 13 只是被编译器默默地忽略了。这是为什么?
奇怪的是,如果类模板定义在 Main.cpp 而不是头文件中,我确实得到了默认参数重定义错误。




8.3.6 §6 The default arguments in a member function definition that appears outside of the class definition are added to the set of default arguments provided by the member function declaration in the class definition.

class C {
    void f(int i = 3);
    void g(int i, int j = 99);
void C::f(int i = 3) // error: default argument already
{ }                  // specified in class scope
void C::g(int i = 88, int j) // in this translation unit,
{ }                          // C::g can be called with no argument

--end example]


关于c++ - 类模板成员函数没有 "redefinition of default parameter error"?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2479846/


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