javascript - Math.random避免相同的结果,如何防止代码忽略条件语句?

标签 javascript

您好,所以我一直在尝试让我的藤蔓生成器在您每次运行时生成随机藤蔓。我正在努力让最后 3 根藤蔓永远不会重复出现。

请注意,我只想检查最后 3 个要避开的藤蔓。

var vines = [
  ['', 'Gotta love dogs'],
  ['', 'The struggle of measuring something without measuring tape'],
  ['', 'When the cars full but u still tryna roll with the squad'],
  ['', 'When the pool water is too cold..'],
  ['', 'Can I please get a waffle?'],
  ['', 'Cheese of truth']

var random = Math.floor((Math.random() * vines.length) + 0);
var prev = [];

function Scramble(number, last) { 

    if(last.includes(number)) {
        Scramble(random, prev);  // If the previous number matches current rerun function for a new number.

    if(last.length === 3) {
        last.pop(); // Removes the 3rd vine to make room for a new one.
        last.unshift(number); // Register the last given number.
        console.log(`[${number+1}] ${vines[number][1]}\n${vines[number][0]}`)

Scramble(random, prev);


调用Scramble(random, prev);函数时需要更新随机数。调用 Scramble(random, prev); 后,您需要从函数返回。


var vines = [
  ['', 'Gotta love dogs'],
  ['', 'The struggle of measuring something without measuring tape'],
  ['', 'When the cars full but u still tryna roll with the squad'],
  ['', 'When the pool water is too cold..'],
  ['', 'Can I please get a waffle?'],
  ['', 'Cheese of truth']

var random = Math.floor((Math.random() * vines.length) + 0);
var prev = [];

function Scramble(number, last) { 
    // console.log(number);
    if(last.includes(number)) {
        random = Math.floor((Math.random() * vines.length) + 0);
        Scramble(random, prev);

    if(last.length === 3) {
        last.pop(); // Removes the 3rd vine to make room for a new one.
        last.unshift(number); // Register the last given number.
        console.log(`[${number+1}] ${vines[number][1]}\n${vines[number][0]}`)

Scramble(random, prev);

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