c++ - (Re)Using std::algorithms with non-standard containers

标签 c++ algorithm proxy iterator


struct MyColumnType { 
  // Data: Each row represents a member of an object.
  vector<double> a;   // All vectors are guaranteed to have always
  vector<string> b;   // the same length.
  vector<int> c;

  void copy(int from_pos, int to_pos); // The column type provides an interface
  void swap(int pos_a, int pos_b);     // for copying, swapping, ...

  void push_back();      // And for resizing the container.
  void pop_back();
  void insert(int pos);
  void remove(int pos);
  // The interface can be extended/modified if required


// If table is a constructed container with elements stored 
// To acces the members of the object stored at the 4th position:
table.a[4] = 4.0;
table.b[4] = "4th";
table.c[4] = 4;


我希望能够将 std::algorithms 用于我的类型的随机访问迭代器,例如sort(注意:用于排序的比较将由用户定义的仿函数提供,例如 lambda)。


struct {
  double& a;
  string& b;
  int& c;

注意 0: C++11/C++14 是允许的。

注1:有一篇旧论文http://hci.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/vigra/documents/DataAccessors.ps进行类似尝试的地方。但是,我无法让他们的方法与排序一起工作。使用代理类型方法很难满足像 defaultConstructible 这样的要求(为什么 std::sort 要求类型是默认可构造的而不是可交换的,这超出了我的理解)。

注意 2:我不能执行以下操作:

struct MyType {
  double a;
  string b;
  int c;

std::vector<MyType> v;


动机:表现。缓存行通常为 64 字节,即 8 个双字节。在这个简单的结构中,如果你遍历 double ,你就会用一个字符串和一个 int 污染缓存行。在其他情况下,每个缓存行可能只会传输 1 个双倍数据。也就是说,您最终使用了可用内存带宽的 1/8。如果您需要迭代几 Gb 的 double ,这个简单的决定可以将您的应用程序性能提高 6-7 倍。不,我不能放弃。



我认为像这样的东西可以符合标准。它使用一些 C++11 功能来简化语法,但也可以更改为符合 C++03 AFAIK。

经过测试并适用于 clang++3.2


#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <utility>  // for std::swap
#include <iterator>

using std::vector;
using std::string;

// didn't want to insert all those types as nested classes of MyColumnType
namespace MyColumnType_iterator
    struct all_copy;
    struct all_reference;
    struct all_iterator;

// just provided `begin` and `end` member functions
struct MyColumnType {
    // Data: Each row represents a member of an object.
    vector<double> a;   // All vectors are guaranteed to have always
    vector<string> b;   // the same length.
    vector<int> c;

    void copy(int from_pos, int to_pos); // The column type provides an itface
    void swap(int pos_a, int pos_b);     // for copying, swapping, ...

    void push_back();      // And for resizing the container.
    void pop_back();
    void insert(int pos);
    void remove(int pos);
    // The interface can be extended/modified if required

    using iterator = MyColumnType_iterator::all_iterator;
    iterator begin();
    iterator end();

迭代器类:a value_type ( all_copy ), 一个 reference类型 ( all_reference ) 和迭代器类型 ( all_iterator )。迭代是通过保留和更新三个迭代器(每个迭代器一个 vector )来完成的。不过,我不知道这是否是性能最高的选项。

工作原理:std::iterator_traits为迭代器定义了几个关联类型: [迭代器.traits]/1

be defined as the iterator’s difference type, value type and iterator category, respectively. In addition, the types
shall be defined as the iterator’s reference and pointer types, that is, for an iterator object a, the same type as the type of *a and a->, respectively

因此,您可以引入一个结构体 ( all_reference ) 将三个引用保留为 reference类型。这个类型就是*a的返回值, 其中a是迭代器类型(可能是 const 限定的)。需要有一个不同的 value_type因为一些标准库算法,例如 sort可能想要创建一个局部变量来临时存储 *a 的值(通过复制或移动到局部变量)。在这种情况下,all_copy提供此功能。

您不需要在您自己的循环中使用它 ( all_copy ),因为它可能会影响性能。

namespace MyColumnType_iterator
    struct all_copy;

    struct all_reference
        double& a;
        string& b;
        int& c;

        all_reference() = delete;
        // not required for std::sort, but stream output is simpler to write
        // with this
        all_reference(all_reference const&) = default;
        all_reference(double& pa, string& pb, int& pc)
            : a{pa}
            , b{pb}
            , c{pc}

        // MoveConstructible required for std::sort
        all_reference(all_reference&& other) = default;
        // MoveAssignable required for std::sort
        all_reference& operator= (all_reference&& other)
            a = std::move(other.a);
            b = std::move(other.b);
            c = std::move(other.c);

            return *this;

        // swappable required for std::sort
        friend void swap(all_reference p0, all_reference p1)
            std::swap(p0.a, p1.a);
            std::swap(p0.b, p1.b);
            std::swap(p0.c, p1.c);

        all_reference& operator= (all_copy const& p) = default;
        all_reference& operator= (all_copy&& p) = default;

        // strict total ordering required for std::sort
        friend bool operator< (all_reference const& lhs,
                               all_reference const& rhs);
        friend bool operator< (all_reference const& lhs, all_copy const& rhs);
        friend bool operator< (all_copy const& lhs, all_reference const& rhs);

    struct all_copy
        double a;
        string b;
        int c;

        all_copy(all_reference const& p)
            : a{p.a}
            , b{p.b}
            , c{p.c}
        all_copy(all_reference&& p)
            : a{ std::move(p.a) }
            , b{ std::move(p.b) }
            , c{ std::move(p.c) }


    bool operator< (all_reference const& lhs, all_reference const& rhs)
        return lhs.c < rhs.c;
    bool operator< (all_reference const& lhs, all_copy const& rhs)
        return lhs.c < rhs.c;
    bool operator< (all_copy const& lhs, all_reference const& rhs)
        return lhs.c < rhs.c;


    struct all_iterator
        : public std::iterator < std::random_access_iterator_tag, all_copy >
        //+ specific to implementation
            using ItA = std::vector<double>::iterator;
            using ItB = std::vector<std::string>::iterator;
            using ItC = std::vector<int>::iterator;
            ItA iA;
            ItB iB;
            ItC iC;

            all_iterator(ItA a, ItB b, ItC c)
                : iA(a)
                , iB(b)
                , iC(c)
        //- specific to implementation

        //+ for iterator_traits
            using reference = all_reference;
            using pointer = all_reference;
        //- for iterator_traits

        //+ iterator requirement [iterator.iterators]/1
            all_iterator(all_iterator const&) = default;            // CopyConstructible
            all_iterator& operator=(all_iterator const&) = default; // CopyAssignable
            ~all_iterator() = default;                              // Destructible

            void swap(all_iterator& other)                          // lvalues are swappable
                std::swap(iA, other.iA);
                std::swap(iB, other.iB);
                std::swap(iC, other.iC);
        //- iterator requirements [iterator.iterators]/1
        //+ iterator requirement [iterator.iterators]/2
            all_reference operator*()
                return {*iA, *iB, *iC};
            all_iterator& operator++()
                return *this;
        //- iterator requirement [iterator.iterators]/2

        //+ input iterator requirements [input.iterators]/1
            bool operator==(all_iterator const& other) const        // EqualityComparable
                return iA == other.iA;  // should be sufficient (?)
        //- input iterator requirements [input.iterators]/1
        //+ input iterator requirements [input.iterators]/2
            bool operator!=(all_iterator const& other) const        // "UnEqualityComparable"
                return iA != other.iA;  // should be sufficient (?)

            all_reference const operator*() const                   // *a
                return {*iA, *iB, *iC};

            all_reference operator->()                              // a->m
                return {*iA, *iB, *iC};
            all_reference const operator->() const                  // a->m
                return {*iA, *iB, *iC};

            // ++r already satisfied

            all_iterator operator++(int)                            // *++r
                all_iterator temp(*this);
                return temp;
        //- input iterator requirements [input.iterators]/2

        //+ output iterator requirements [output.iterators]/1
            // *r = o already satisfied
            // ++r already satisfied
            // r++ already satisfied
            // *r++ = o already satisfied
        //- output iterator requirements [output.iterators]/1

        //+ forward iterator requirements [forward.iterators]/1
            all_iterator() = default;                               // DefaultConstructible
            // r++ already satisfied
            // *r++ already satisfied
            // multi-pass must be guaranteed
        //- forward iterator requirements [forward.iterators]/1

        //+ bidirectional iterator requirements [bidirectional.iterators]/1
            all_iterator& operator--()                              // --r
                return *this;
            all_iterator operator--(int)                            // r--
                all_iterator temp(*this);
                return temp;
            // *r-- already satisfied
        //- bidirectional iterator requirements [bidirectional.iterators]/1

        //+ random access iterator requirements [random.access.iterators]/1
            all_iterator& operator+=(difference_type p)             // r += n
                iA += p;
                iB += p;
                iC += p;
                return *this;
            all_iterator operator+(difference_type p) const         // a + n
                all_iterator temp(*this);
                temp += p;
                return temp;
            // doesn't have to be a friend function, but this way,
            // we can define it here
            friend all_iterator operator+(difference_type p,
                                         all_iterator temp)         // n + a
                temp += p;
                return temp;

            all_iterator& operator-=(difference_type p)             // r -= n
                iA -= p;
                iB -= p;
                iC -= p;
                return *this;
            all_iterator operator-(difference_type p) const         // a - n
                all_iterator temp(*this);
                temp -= p;
                return temp;

            difference_type operator-(all_iterator const& p)        // b - a
                return iA - p.iA;   // should be sufficient (?)

            all_reference operator[](difference_type p)             // a[n]
                return *(*this + p);
            all_reference const operator[](difference_type p) const // a[n]
                return *(*this + p);

            bool operator<(all_iterator const& p) const             // a < b
                return iA < p.iA;   // should be sufficient (?)
            bool operator>(all_iterator const& p) const             // a > b
                return iA > p.iA;   // should be sufficient (?)
            bool operator>=(all_iterator const& p) const            // a >= b
                return iA >= p.iA;  // should be sufficient (?)
            bool operator<=(all_iterator const& p) const            // a >= b
                return iA <= p.iA;  // should be sufficient (?)
        //- random access iterator requirements [random.access.iterators]/1
}//- namespace MyColumnType_iterator

MyColumnType::iterator MyColumnType::begin()
    return { a.begin(), b.begin(), c.begin() };
MyColumnType::iterator MyColumnType::end()
    return { a.end(), b.end(), c.end() };


#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
#include <algorithm>

namespace MyColumnType_iterator
    template < typename char_type, typename char_traits >
    std::basic_ostream < char_type, char_traits >&
    operator<< (std::basic_ostream < char_type, char_traits >& o,
                std::iterator_traits<MyColumnType::iterator>::reference p)
        return o << p.a << ";" << p.b << ";" << p.c;

int main()
    using std::cout;

    MyColumnType mct =
          {1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1}
        , {"j", "i", "h", "g", "f", "e", "d", "c", "b", "a"}
        , {10,    9,   8,   7,   6,   5,   4,   3,   2,   1}

    using ref = std::iterator_traits<MyColumnType::iterator>::reference;
    std::copy(mct.begin(), mct.end(), std::ostream_iterator<ref>(cout, ", "));
    std::cout << std::endl;

    std::sort(mct.begin(), mct.end());
    std::copy(mct.begin(), mct.end(), std::ostream_iterator<ref>(cout, ", "));
    std::cout << std::endl;


1;j;10, 0.9;i;9, 0.8;h;8, 0.7;g;7, 0.6;f;6, 0.5;e;5, 0.4;d;4, 0.3;c;3, 0.2;b;2, 0.1;a;1,
0.1;a;1, 0.2;b;2, 0.3;c;3, 0.4;d;4, 0.5;e;5, 0.6;f;6, 0.7;g;7, 0.8;h;8, 0.9;i;9, 1;j;10,

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