c++ - 与 Mathematica 相比,C++ 中的 float 学舍入很奇怪

标签 c++ c++11 wolfram-mathematica random




using RandomGenType = std::mt19937_64;
RandomGenType gen(51651651651);

using PREC = long double;
std::array<PREC,5> intervals {0.59, 0.7, 0.85, 1, 1.18};
std::array<PREC,4> weights {1.36814, 1.99139, 0.29116, 0.039562};

 // integral over the pdf to normalize:
PREC normalization =0;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<4;i++){
    normalization += weights[i]*(intervals[i+1]-intervals[i]);
std::cout << std::setprecision(30) << "Normalization: " << normalization << std::endl;
// normalize all weights (such that the integral gives 1)!
for(auto & w : weights){
    w /= normalization;

distribution (intervals.begin(),intervals.end(),weights.begin());

当我从这个分布中抽取 n 个随机数(以毫米为单位的球体半径)并计算球体的质量并将它们相加时:

unsigned int n = 1000000;
double density = 2400;
double mass = 0;

for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
    auto d = 2* distribution(gen) * 1e-3;
    mass += d*d*d/3.0*M_PI_2*density;

我得到ma​​ss = 4.3283 kg(见LIVE here)

在 Mathematica 中做完全相同的事情,例如:


给出假定正确的值 4.5287 kg。 (参见 mathematica)

这不一样,而且种子也不同,C++ 和 Mathematica 永远不匹配! ?是数字不准确吗,我怀疑是……? 问题:C++ 中的采样有什么问题?

简单的 Mathematica 代码:

pdf[r_] = 2*Piecewise[{{0, r < 0.59}, {1.36814, 0.59 <= r <= 0.7}, 
           {1.99139, Inequality[0.7, Less, r, LessEqual, 0.85]}, 
           {0.29116, Inequality[0.85, Less, r, LessEqual, 1]}, 
           {0.039562, Inequality[1, Less, r, LessEqual, 1.18]}, 
           {0, r > 1.18}}];

pdfr[r_] = pdf[r] / Integrate[pdf[r], {r, 0, 3}];(*normalize*)

Plot[pdf[r], {r, 0.4, 1.3}, Filling -> Axis]

PDFr = ProbabilityDistribution[pdfr[r], {r, 0, 1.18}]; 
(*if you put 1.18=2 then we dont get 4.52??*)

SeedRandom[100, Method -> "MersenneTwister"]
dataR = RandomVariate[PDFr, 1000000, WorkingPrecision -> MachinePrecision];
Fold[#1 + (2*#2*10^-3)^3  Pi/6 2400 &, 0, dataR] 

(*Analytical Solution*)

PDFr = ProbabilityDistribution[pdfr[r], {r, 0, 3}];
1000000 Integrate[ 2400 (2 InverseCDF[PDFr, p] 10^-3)^3 Pi/6, {p, 0, 1}]

更新: 我做了一些分析:

  1. 读入从 Mathematica 生成的数字(64 位 double ) C++ -> 计算总和,结果与 Mathematica 相同

  2. 将 C++(64 位 double )生成的数字读入 Mathematica -> 计算总和,得到相同的 4.32402

  3. 我几乎得出结论,std::piecewise_constant_distribution 的采样不准确(或与 64 位 float 一样准确)或有错误...或者我的有问题权重?

  4. http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/ca171bf600b5148f 中密度计算错误 std::piecewise_constant_distribution ===> 好像是个bug!

CPP 生成值与所需分布的直方图: Histogramm

file = NotebookDirectory[] <> "numbersCpp.bin";
dataCPP = BinaryReadList[file, "Real64"];
Hpdf = HistogramDistribution[dataCPP];
h = DiscretePlot[  PDF[ Hpdf, x], {x, 0.4, 1.2, 0.001}, 
   PlotStyle -> Red];
Show[h, p, PlotRange -> All]

文件在这里生成:Number generation CPP


看来 std::piecewise_constant_distribution 的概率公式写错了 http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/random/piecewise_constant_distribution/


正确的公式是: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/random/piecewise_constant_distribution


关于c++ - 与 Mathematica 相比,C++ 中的 float 学舍入很奇怪,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28862895/


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