javascript - 如何在 twitch 机器人中分隔变量

标签 javascript node.js twitch

我正在努力做到这一点,以便我可以在我的 twitch 机器人中注册第二部分:!test [var]。基本上,如果他们说 !test @jeff,它就可以说你好@jeff。


client.on('chat', function(channel, user, message, self) {
    if(message === "!twitter") {
        client.action("kong_plays", user['display-name'] + " my twitter is x !");
    if(message === "!youtube") {
        client.action("kong_plays", user['display-name'] + " my youtube is x !");
    if(message === "!discord") {
        client.action("kong_plays", user['display-name'] + " you can join my discord with the link : !");
    if(message === "!sub") {
        client.action("kong_plays", user['display-name'] + " It helps me out if you can sub. Also you receive access to exclusive perks such as: Sub Games, Sub only emotes, Sub Only Discord. Sub here x !");
    if(message === "!tip") {
        client.action("kong_plays", user['display-name'] + " Tipping helps me out a ton whether it be only $1 x !");
    if(message === "!alerts") {
        client.action("kong_plays", user['display-name'] + " The alerts are shown in chat as I stream with shadowplay not allowing me to show alerts!");

    if(//someone inputs !test [var] ) {
        register [var]
        say something + [var]



const [command, ...args] = message.split(" ");


if(command === "!test") {
  client.action("idk", "Hello " + args[0] + "!");

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