javascript - 我必须单击显示按钮两次才能将数据呈现到屏幕上?

标签 javascript reactjs firebase

在此 react 组件中,我想在用户单击“显示”按钮时将数据渲染到屏幕上,但必须按两次按钮才能显示数据。

constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
        people: [] // start with empty array of people

这是我的 displayData 函数:

displayData = () => {
    const db = fire.database(); // database instance
    const dbRef = db.ref(); // database reference
    var newPeopleArray = []; // new array to push everyone from database into

    dbRef.on('value', snapshot => {

        snapshot.forEach(childSnapshot => { // for every child in the data snapshot
            var key = childSnapshot.key; // in this case returns first name
            var childData = childSnapshot.val();

            var newPerson = { // create new person object to push into the array
                name: key,
                age: childData.Age,
                lastName: childData.LastName

            // console.log(newPerson);


    // set state to the new array of people from the database
         people: newPeopleArray

我的 render() 只是将状态中的每个人与其属性映射:

render() {     

    const stateToRender = person => // maps each person in the state to a row in the table
        <div key={}>

    return (
        <div className="container">
            <h1>Home Page</h1>
            <br />
            <button className="btn btn-danger" onClick={this.displayData}>Display</button>   


displayData = () => {
    const db = fire.database(); // database instance
    const dbRef = db.ref(); // database reference
    var newPeopleArray = []; // new array to push everyone from database into

    dbRef.on('value', snapshot => {
        newPeopleArray = => { // for every child in the data snapshot
            var key = childSnapshot.key; // in this case returns first name
            var childData = childSnapshot.val();
            var newPerson = { // create new person object to push into the array
                name: key,
                age: childData.Age,
                lastName: childData.LastName
            return newPerson;
        // set state to the new array of people from the database
            people: newPeopleArray ? newPeopleArray : []

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