javascript - extjs 3.4.0 - 如何过滤读取 JSON 的存储

标签 javascript extjs extjs3

我正在尝试过滤 privilege 字段值为 32 的 JSON。我已经尝试了多种过滤方法,但它仍然返回所有行而不是过滤后的行。

Ext.onReady(function () {        

        // create the data store
        var store = new{
            url: url,
            reader: new{
                root: 'keys',
                idProperty: 'key',
                fields: ['key', 'name']
            autoLoad: true

            property: 'privileges',
            value: 32,
            type: 'int',
            exactMatch: true

        //create the Grid
        var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
            store: store,
            columns: [
                    id       :'name',
                    header   : 'Name', 
                    width    : 500, 
                    sortable : true, 
                    dataIndex: 'name'
                    header   : 'Key', 
                    width    : 500, 
                    sortable : false, 
                    dataIndex: 'key'
                    header   : 'Regenerate', 
                    width    : 300, 
                    dataIndex: ''
            stripeRows: true,
            height: 350,
            title: 'Administrator Keys'


当前我的 JSON 如下

"id": "abc123",
"name": "Test",
"queue": "test",
"expire": "2118-11-27T02:05:15.546778Z",
"keys": [
        "key": "64654asdsad1sd1",
        "customer": "Test Customer",
        "externalUser": "123213",
        "name": "Jenna Testing API Key 1",
        "privileges": 31
        "key": "7c5362f98f084ae7b76b8484f660fdcf",
        "customer": "Test Customer",
        "externalUser": "123213",
        "name": "Jenna Testing API Key 1",
        "privileges": 16

如果有人可以指导我如何通过以 Keys 作为根的特定字段过滤 JSON,不胜感激?


这可能对你有帮助。在 JSONReader 中添加 privileges 字段,并在加载存储后过滤存储:

Ext.onReady(function () {        

        // create the data store
        var store = new{
            url: 'filter-store-extjs3.json',
            reader: new{
                root: 'keys',
                idProperty: 'key',
                fields: ['key', 'name', 'privileges']
            autoLoad: true,
            listeners: {
                load: function() {
                    store.filter('privileges', '16', true, true);

        var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
            renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
            store: store,
            columns: [
                    id       :'name',
                    header   : 'Name', 
                    width    : 500, 
                    sortable : true, 
                    dataIndex: 'name'
                    header   : 'Key', 
                    width    : 500, 
                    sortable : false, 
                    dataIndex: 'key'
                    header   : 'Regenerate', 
                    width    : 300, 
                    dataIndex: ''
            stripeRows: true,
            height: 350,
            title: 'Administrator Keys'

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