javascript - 如何更新firestore子集合字段

标签 javascript firebase google-cloud-firestore

我尝试更新 firestore 中的字段,但找不到正确的调用:

changeAlertState(senderId, receiverId, alertType, bool){

  let type = alertType == 'toBe' ? 'toBeAlerted' : 'toAlert';

  .doc(senderId + '/' + receiverId)
                        [type]: bool
  .then(() => {
                console.log("Contact " + receiverId + " alert successfully updated!");

这是数据库: enter image description here


FirebaseError: [code=invalid-argument]: Invalid document reference. Document references must have an even number of segments, but books/33KlbrBypXMe888vpO7dXgDVrfY2/hLh7Ao7IABZBukEpGFK1I8lq1rx1 has 3


您正在将部分字段路径传递到对 doc() 的调用中。这是行不通的,因为您需要(仅)将文档 ID 传递到 doc 中。之后,您可以通过使用 分隔路径的各个部分,为要更新的字段构建字段路径。

var value = {};
value[receiverId+"."+type] = bool;

另请参阅documentation on updating fields in a nested object .

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