javascript - Promise 和异步函数 "borrowing"来自同时运行的 Promise 的变量

标签 javascript node.js asynchronous sails.js waterline

我在辅助函数answerUserTag 中有这个 Waterline 异步调用:

theQuestion = await UserTag.findOne({id: answerObject.tag});


const promises = =>
      userTagAnswer: userTagAnswer,
      answeringUserId: inputs.userId,
      userType: inputs.userType

await Promise.all(promises);

如果只有一个 userTagAnswers(即一个 promise ),它就可以正常工作。但是,如果有两个 userTagAnswers 并且我在帮助程序中的 theQuestion 查询之后设置了一个断点,我会看到以下不合理的值:

answerObject.tag is equaled to 5c338ae267a1983e84340388 is equaled to 5c27227ac1e60913703f3002

当调用多个 Promise 时,变量之间似乎存在不合逻辑的重叠。


尝试通过 Promise.each() 调试它?由于迭代是连续的,因此您会知道哪个 Promise 困扰着您。


第三,为什么with?如果您检查MDN - with ,它清楚地说明了并且我引用了:

Use of the with statement is not recommended, as it may be the source of confusing bugs and compatibility issues. It has Ambiguity contra. The with statement makes it hard for a human reader or JavaScript compiler to decide whether an unqualified name will be found along the scope chain, and if so, in which object.

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