javascript - 为什么我的按钮会增加错误的变量?

标签 javascript jquery html

对 Javascript/jquery 非常陌生。我已经盯着这个问题看了好几天了,但我无法弄清楚。出于练习,我正在制作一款游戏,你可以将统计数据分配给你的 Angular 色。我可以进行第一个统计,值发生变化,控制台日志会显示它。然而,所有其他按钮仅增加第一个统计数据。我知道 bool 逻辑是如何工作的,我尝试用我在 Python 和 C++ 中学到的知识来复制它,但由于逻辑被破坏或代码选择了错误的变量,我似乎遗漏了一些东西。

var PTS = 20;
var strength = 5;
var agility = 5;
var constitution = 5;

function points_append(){
    PTS = PTS - 1;
    console.log("Clicked $(#PTS_append), Total Points =", PTS);

    if ($("#PTS_append").hasClass("strength")) {
        strength = strength + 1;
        console.log("Added point to STRENGTH:", strength);

    else if ($("#PTS_append").hasClass(".agility")) {
        agility = agility + 1;
        console.log("Added point to AGILITY:", agility);

function points_remove(){
    PTS = PTS + 1;
    console.log("Clicked $(#PTS_remove), Total Points =", PTS);

    if ($("#PTS_remove").parent("#parent_strength")) {
        strength = strength - 1;
        console.log("Removed point from STRENGTH:", strength);

    else if ($("#PTS_remove").parent("#parent_agility")) {
        agility = agility - 1;
        console.log("Removed point from AGILITY:", agility);

正如你所看到的,我已经尝试了 .parent 和 .hasClass 等。巧合的是,这是我在这里的第一篇文章,所以这里什么也没有。我也在谷歌上来回搜索了这个问题,但还没有找到接近答案的地方。我希望这里有人可以帮助我。

编辑:这就是 HTML 的外观。

<div class = "stats_allocation">

                <th>Available PTS:</th>
                <td id = "total_points">20</td>
            <tr id = "parent_strength">
                <td id="strength">5</td> 
                    <button class = "strength" id = "PTS_append" onClick="points_append()">+</button>
                    <button class = "strength" id = "PTS_remove" onClick="points_remove()">-</button>

            <tr id = "parent_agility">
                <td id="agility">5</td> 
                    <button class = "agility" id = "PTS_append" onClick="points_append()">+</button>
                    <button class = "agility" id = "PTS_remove" onClick="points_remove()">-</button>

            <tr id = "parent_constitution">
                <td id="constitution">5</td> 
                    <button class = "constitution" id = "PTS_append" onClick="points_append()">+</button>
                    <button class = "constitution" id = "PTS_remove" onClick="points_remove()">-</button>





  • id='' 在 HTML 中只能出现一次。使用 $("#id") 将始终找到第一个,因此您需要找到与按下的按钮相关的那个
  • .hasClass 在没有类指示符的情况下使用
  • .parent() 只会查看上面的节点(因此对于按钮,它将找到 td) - 您可以使用 .parents() .closest() - 或者像以前一样使用 .hasClass


如果您使用 jquery $("btn").on("click", function... 那么按钮将被定义为 this


var PTS = 20;
var strength = 5;
var agility = 5;
var constitution = 5;

function points_append(btn) {
  PTS = PTS - 1;
  console.log("Clicked $(#PTS_append), Total Points =", PTS);

  if ($(btn).hasClass("strength")) {
    strength = strength + 1;
    console.log("Added point to STRENGTH:", strength);
  } else if ($(btn).hasClass("agility")) {
    agility = agility + 1;
    console.log("Added point to AGILITY:", agility);

function points_remove(btn) {
  PTS = PTS + 1;
  console.log("Clicked $(#PTS_remove), Total Points =", PTS);

  if ($(btn).closest("#parent_strength").length > 0) {
    strength = strength - 1;
    console.log("Removed point from STRENGTH:", strength);
  } else if ($(btn).closest("#parent_agility").length > 0) {
    agility = agility - 1;
    console.log("Removed point from AGILITY:", agility);
<script src=""></script>
<div class="stats_allocation">

      <th>Available PTS:</th>
      <td id="total_points">20</td>
    <tr id="parent_strength">
      <td id="strength">5</td>
        <button class="strength" onClick="points_append(this)">+</button>
        <button class="strength" onClick="points_remove(this)">-</button>

    <tr id="parent_agility">
      <td id="agility">5</td>
        <button class="agility" onClick="points_append(this)">+</button>
        <button class="agility" onClick="points_remove(this)">-</button>

    <tr id="parent_constitution">
      <td id="constitution">5</td>
        <button style='display:none;' class="constitution" onClick="points_append(this)">+</button>
        <button style='display:none;' class="constitution" onClick="points_remove(this)">-</button>



为了使其更加“jquery-y”(并安抚纯粹主义者),请不要在 html 中添加事件处理程序,更新的代码片段:

$("button.add").on("click", points_append);
$("button.remove").on("click", points_remove);

var PTS = 20;
var strength = 5;
var agility = 5;
var constitution = 5;

function points_append() {
  PTS = PTS - 1;
  console.log("Clicked $(#PTS_append), Total Points =", PTS);

  if ($(this).hasClass("strength")) {
    strength = strength + 1;
    console.log("Added point to STRENGTH:", strength);
  } else if ($(this).hasClass("agility")) {
    agility = agility + 1;
    console.log("Added point to AGILITY:", agility);

function points_remove(btn) {
  PTS = PTS + 1;
  console.log("Clicked $(#PTS_remove), Total Points =", PTS);

  if ($(this).closest("#parent_strength").length > 0) {
    strength = strength - 1;
    console.log("Removed point from STRENGTH:", strength);
  } else if ($(this).closest("#parent_agility").length > 0) {
    agility = agility - 1;
    console.log("Removed point from AGILITY:", agility);
<script src=""></script>
<div class="stats_allocation">

      <th>Available PTS:</th>
      <td id="total_points">20</td>
    <tr id="parent_strength">
      <td id="strength">5</td>
        <button class="strength add">+</button>
        <button class="strength remove">-</button>

    <tr id="parent_agility">
      <td id="agility">5</td>
        <button class="agility add">+</button>
        <button class="agility remove">-</button>




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