javascript - 在 Vue 应用程序模板中,使用 ASYNC/AWAIT(Nativescript Playground)显示从 API 获取的数据

标签 javascript vue.js async-await nativescript


我想从我的 API 获取数据,并将其显示在我从 Playground 天气示例借用的 Vue 模板中。

而且,我希望使用 ASYNC/AWAit,因为它看起来更优雅。

    <Page class="Page" actionBarHidden="true" backgroundSpanUnderStatusBar="true">
    <StackLayout row="0">
      <Image class="event-image" :src="eventImage" />
      <Label class="bold" :text="exported_event0" backgroundColor="gray"></Label>
      <Label class="bold" :text="created_event1" backgroundColor="gray"></Label>
      <Label class="bold" :text="created_event2" backgroundColor="gray"></Label>

    const httpModule = require("http");
    var exported_event0;
    var exported_event1;
    var exported_event2;
    var created_event1;
    var created_event2;
    var fetched_event;

    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                exported_event0: "A string of a returned event",
                exported_event1: created_event1,
                exported_event2: created_event2,
        created() {
            this.eventImage = "~/images/augustus.jpg";
            this.created_event1 = "A stringy created event";
            this.created_event2 = getEvent().then(result => console.log(result));
            console.log("created_event2 is:" + this.created_event2);
      async function getEvent() {
            console.log("-----httpmodule ----------------------------");
            let fetched_event = await httpModule.getJSON("").then(function(result) {
              console.log("---------Event api fetched." + JSON.stringify(result));
              }, function(error) {
                 console.error("the GETJSON eror" + JSON.stringify(error));
            console.log("---------Event api fetched." + JSON.stringify(fetched_event));
          return fetched_event;

1) 可以/应该导出 |数据|创建的方法(从模板)是否被简化?

2) 如何让 getEvent() 调用等待数据被获取?


'-----httpmodule ----------------------------'
'---------Event api fetched.{"id":4,"title":"The armies of Richard I and Saladin fight it out in the Holy Land. Richard gets Arsuf; Saladin keeps Jerusalem.","year":1191,"position":null,"wikip":"","image":"","created_at":"2019-01-29T16:48:02.248Z","updated_at":"2019-01-29T16:48:02.248Z","url":""}'
 '---------Event api fetched.undefined'
  CONSOLE LOG undefined


当使用async/await时,你不需要使用promise。您可以更新 getData 函数以正确使用 wait 并返回结果

async function getEvent() {
        console.log("-----httpmodule ----------------------------");
        let result = await httpModule.getJSON("");
        console.log("---------Event api fetched." + JSON.stringify(result));
        return result;
         console.error("the GETJSON eror" + JSON.stringify(error));

然后您需要确保您的 created Hook 也是异步的,以便您可以在调用 getData 时在其中使用 wait 关键字

async created() {
    this.eventImage = "~/images/augustus.jpg";
    this.created_event1 = "A stringy created event";
    this.created_event2 = await getEvent();
    console.log("created_event2 is:" + this.created_event2);

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