javascript - Angular Firestore 根据返回的 bool 值显示一个按钮,该 bool 值检查 Firestore 文档是否存在

标签 javascript angular typescript function google-cloud-firestore

根据 Angular 服务返回的 bool 值在 Angular View 中显示按钮,该服务检查 Firestore 文档是否存在

服务成功检查文档是否存在。它还更新 if/else 语句中的全局变量。我可以调用服务中的函数,它会记录 bool 值,但不会返回它。

当我从组件调用该函数时,它总是记录 [object Promise]我收到 ts lint 错误:Type 'Promise<Boolean>' is not assignable to type 'boolean'.

我该如何解决这个问题?我是否必须将 Promise 转换为 bool 值或 Observable?


export class ProfileFollowService {
    // global variable which should be updated
    followState: boolean;
    // checks if the document exist and returns a boolean
    async checkFollow(followingID: string, followerID: string): Promise<Boolean> {
    const followDoc =

    return followDoc.get().then((doc) => {
      if (doc.exists) {
          this.followState = true;
      } else {
          this.followState = false;

      return this.followState;
  async callCheckFollow(followingID: string, followerID: string) {
    const result = await this.checkFollow(followingID, followerID);
    console.log(result); //logs true or false as requested
    return result;



export class ServiceTestComponent implements OnInit {

  followState: boolean;
  constructor(private followService: ProfileFollowService) {

  // throws TS Lint error: Type 'Promise<Boolean>' is not assignable to type 'boolean'.
    this.followState = this.followService.callCheckFollow('someID', 'someID');
   // logs [object Promise], should log true or false
   ngOnInit() {console.log('followstate' + this.followState);}


我的组件 html:

<div *ngIf="followState === true">
  <p>hello Doc</p>

<div *ngIf="followState === false">
  <p>No doc</p>


在组件 typescript 中,您有一个 bool 属性,并且您将其分配给构造函数内的 Promise。

将代码移动到 ngOnInit 之前添加 async 关键字,并在分配 followState 之前使用关键字 await

export class ServiceTestComponent implements OnInit {

  followState: boolean;

  constructor(private followService: ProfileFollowService) { }

   // logs [object Promise], should log true or false
   async ngOnInit() {
     console.log('followstate' + this.followState);

     this.followState = await this.followService.callCheckFollow('someID', 'someID');


关于javascript - Angular Firestore 根据返回的 bool 值显示一个按钮,该 bool 值检查 Firestore 文档是否存在,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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