javascript - 使用 Jquery 检查 MVC 模型属性是否为 null

标签 javascript jquery



var img = @((Model != null && Model.ListImages != null).ToString().ToLower());
if (img) {
    if (@Model.ListImages.Count() + this.files.length > 8) {
        $('#errorMessage').html("Cannot upload more then 8 images for a product.");
        window.scrollTo(0, 0);


public class ProductVM
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Category")]
    public int IdCategory { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Collection")]
    public int IdCollection { get; set; }

    [Range(0.1, 20000, ErrorMessage = "Please enter a value between 0 and 20000")]
    public decimal Price { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Product Name")]
    [StringLength(100, ErrorMessage = "Product name must contain at least {2} characters", MinimumLength = 6)]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Product Description")]
    [StringLength(500, ErrorMessage = "Product name must contain at least {2} characters", MinimumLength = 25)]
    public string Description { get; set; }

    public HttpPostedFileBase[] Listfiles { get; set; }

    public virtual IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Categories { get; set; }
    public virtual IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Collections { get; set; }
    public virtual IEnumerable<Reviews> ListReviews { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<Images> ListImages { get; set; }



问题是你正在混合 JavaScript 和 Razor,这是应该避免的。如果仔细可以完成,但它会导致难以阅读,即难以调试和维护。

您的代码假设 Razor 不会根据 JavaScript 评估执行。然而,情况并非如此,Razor 语句将始终尝试评估。

// this looks like JavaScript with in-lined Razor.
// The Razor is executed before this JavaScript is executed.
var img = @((Model != null && Model.ListImages != null).ToString().ToLower());

// this is a JavaScript conditional based on a run-time value
if (img) {
    // @Model.ListImages.Count() is evaluated by Razor BEFORE
    // (and in a different context) the if(img) above.
    // But there isn't a Razor condition preventing the execution of .Count()
    // if ListImages is not initialized.
    if (@Model.ListImages.Count() + this.files.length > 8) {

因此您需要一个 Razor 条件来输出不同的 JavaScript 代码。

@* Razor evaluated on the server while rendering the view *@
@if (Model != null && Model.ListImages != null)
    var count = Model.ListImages.Count;
        // JavaScript evaluated in the client
        var images = @count;  // "hardcoded" count on the server
        if (images > 0)

避免混合的一种更简洁的方法是将 Razor 值编码到 HTML 元素中。

<div id="image"
     data-count="@((Model != null && Model.ListImages != null) ? Model.ListImages.Count : 0)">


var count = $("#image").data("count");
if  (count > 0) {

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