javascript - 添加数据表中字段的总和

标签 javascript jquery datatables

这个问题之前已经被问过,但作为 JavaScript 的绝对初学者,我不知道如何将其应用到我的代码中。我希望“G”字段的总和和“AB”字段的总和显示在表格的页脚中。


<div align="center">
    <table id = 'battingtbl' class="display compact nowrap">
        {% for stat in playerdata.masterbatting_set.all %}
                <td>{{ stat.year }}</td>
                <td>{{ stat.age }}</td>
                <td>{{ stat.g }}</td>
                <td>{{ stat.ab }}</td>
        {% endfor %}

    $(document).ready(function () {
        "searching": true,
        "pageLength": 40,
        "scrollX": true,
        "paging": false,
        "info": false,


我通常不建议使用 HTML 源代码填充 DataTable,我发现这种方式既乏味又缓慢。

但是,假设您希望在每次重新绘制时重新计算这些总数(表过滤),我建议使用 drawCallback 填充总计的选项:

drawCallback: () => {
             // grab DataTables insurance into the variable
              const table = $('#battingtbl').DataTable();
             // extract all the data for all visible columns
              const tableData = table.rows({search:'applied'}).data().toArray();
             // summarize row data for columns 3,4 (indexes 2, 3)
              const totals = tableData.reduce((total, rowData) => {
                total[0] += parseFloat(rowData[2]);
                total[1] += parseFloat(rowData[3]);
                return total;
              // starting point for reduce() totals for 2 columns equal to zero each
              }, [0,0]);
              // populate footer cells for columns 3, 4 (indexes 2, 3) with corresponding array total

以上要求您附加 <tfoot>部分到您在服务器端准备的静态 HTML 部分:

    <th colspan="2">Totals:</th>


<!doctype html>
		<script type="application/javascript" src=""></script>
		<script type="application/javascript" src=""></script>
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
			<div align="center">
				<table id = 'battingtbl' class="display compact nowrap">
							<th colspan="2">Totals:</th>
					$(document).ready(function () {
							"searching": true,
							"pageLength": 40,
							"scrollX": true,
							"paging": false,
							"info": false,
							drawCallback: () => {
								const table = $('#battingtbl').DataTable();
								const tableData = table.rows({
										search: 'applied'
								const totals = tableData.reduce((total, rowData) => {
										total[0] += parseFloat(rowData[2]);
										total[1] += parseFloat(rowData[3]);
										return total;
									}, [0, 0]);

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