javascript - 如何将每个标题属性放入输入标签的值中?

标签 javascript html

我试图将每个标题属性获取到输入标记的值中,但我尝试了很多方法,但都失败了,我什至尝试使用 for() 循环。


<div class="all">
  <div class="myOtherClass">
    <a class="getTitle test" href="#" Title="i want grab this title">click me to change</a>
  <div class="myOtherClass">
    <a class="getTitle test" href="#" Title="i want grab this too">click me to change</a>
  <div class="myOtherClass">
    <a class="getTitle test" href="#" Title="same at 2 other">click me to change</a>
  <div class="Otherclass">
    <input class="myInput" type="button" value=""/>


let getTitle = document.querySelectorAll('.getTitle').forEach((f) => {
    f.addEventListener('click', function() {
     document.querySelectorAll('.all').forEach(item =>{

      let button = item.querySelector('.getinput')          
      let a = item.querySelectorAll('.test');
       for(let i=0; i < a.length; i++){
          let atitle = a[i];
          button.value = atitle.title; 

这就是我希望我的代码在添加 javascript 后执行的操作

when i click on the first a tag is will return the value in input is

<input class="myInput" type="button" value="i want grab this title"/>

And when i click the second a tag will return this value

<input class="myInput" type="button" value="i want grab this too"/>


when i click on the first a tag is return the value in input is

<input class="myInput" type="button" value="i want grab this title"/>

And when i click the second a tag is return the same value of the first a tag

<input class="myInput" type="button" value="i want grab this title"/>



您可以在每个 anchor 标记上使用事件监听器,并通过 ID 设置输入的值,您需要相应地更改该值:

const elements = document.getElementsByClassName('getTitle')
const input = document.getElementById('[change_this]')
Array.from(elements).forEach(a => {
  a.addEventListener('click', (el) => {
    input.value =
<div class="all">
  <div class="myOtherClass">
    <a class="getTitle test" Title="i want grab this title">click me to change</a>
  <div class="myOtherClass">
    <a class="getTitle test" Title="i want grab this too">click me to change</a>
  <div class="myOtherClass">
    <a class="getTitle test" Title="same at 2 other">click me to change</a>
  <div class="Otherclass">
    <input id="[change_this]" class="myInput" type="button" value="" />

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