javascript - 井字棋如何让游戏继续进行直到获胜或平局

标签 javascript

我正在控制台中使用 JavaScript(无 DOM) 编写井字棋游戏。 我一开始只做一个玩家游戏,而且只玩“X”。当玩家选择行索引和列索引,然后将其存储在数组(移动)中时,但我被卡住了,玩家只能执行一次移动,仅此而已。我真的不知道接下来该怎么办。

       // Variables

    let playerName, playerMove = [],
        playerShape, boardGame;

    // Functions

    // Get And Check Name 

    function getCheckName() {
        let name = prompt("Please Enter Your Name");
        while (name == null || !isNaN(name) || name == ' ') {
            alert("Numbers And Spaces Not Allowed");
            name = prompt("Please Enter Your Name");
        alert("Welcome " + name);
        return name;
    playerName = getCheckName();
    playerShape = 'X';


    // // Get Row And Col 

    function getRowAndCol() {
        let row, col, rowAndColArr = [];
        row = parseInt(prompt("Please Enter A Row"));
        while (row > 2 || row < 0 || row === null || isNaN(row)) {
            alert("Not a Valid Row number");
            row = parseInt(prompt("Please Enter A Row"));
        rowAndColArr[rowAndColArr.length] = row;

        col = parseInt(prompt("Please Enter A Col"));
        while (col > 2 || col < 0 || col === null || isNaN(col)) {
            alert("Not a Valid Col number");
            col = parseInt(prompt("Please Enter A Col"));
        rowAndColArr[rowAndColArr.length] = col;
        return rowAndColArr;
    playerMove = getRowAndCol();


    // Board Game 

    boardGame = [
        ["_", "_", "_"],
        ["_", "_", "_"],
        ["_", "_", "_"]

    function boardFn(board, move) {
        for (let rw = 0; rw < board.length; rw++) {
            for (let cl = 0; cl < board[rw].length; cl++) {
                while (rw === move[0] && cl === move[1] && board[rw][cl] === "_") {
                    board[rw][cl] = playerShape;
        return board;
    let keepGame = boardFn(boardGame, playerMove);

    do {

    } while (condition);



    // Check Win

    function equal3(a, b, c) {
        return (a == b && b == c && a != "_");

    function checkWinner() {
        let winner = null;

        // Win In Horizontal

        for (let rw = 0; rw < 3; rw++) {
            if (equal3(boardGame[rw][0], boardGame[rw][1], boardGame[rw][2])) {
                winner = boardGame[rw][0];
                alert(playerName + " You Won line");

        // Win In Vertical

        for (let cl = 0; cl < 3; cl++) {
            if (equal3(boardGame[0][cl], boardGame[1][cl], boardGame[2][cl])) {
                winner = boardGame[cl][0];
                alert(playerName + " You Won col");

        // Win In Diagonal

        if (equal3(boardGame[0][0], boardGame[1][1], boardGame[2][2])) {
            winner = boardGame[0][0];
            alert(playerName + " You Won diagonal");

        // Win In Diagonal (Other Way)

        if (equal3(boardGame[2][0], boardGame[1][1], boardGame[0][2])) {
            winner = boardGame[2][0];
            alert(playerName + " You Won digonal other");
        return winner;


Updated code for two players

var board = [
    ["_", "_", "_"],
    ["_", "_", "_"],
    ["_", "_", "_"]

//This function will prompt and get user name

function getName(player) {
    let name = prompt("Please Enter " + player + " Name");
    while (name == null || !isNaN(name) || name == ' ') {
        alert("Numbers And Spaces Not Allowed");
        name = prompt("Please Enter " + player + " Name");
    alert("Welcome, " + name + "!");
    return name;

//This function will prompt and get row and column from player

function getRowAndCol(player) {
    let row, col, rowAndColArr = [];
    row = parseInt(prompt(player + "! Please Enter A Row"));
    while (row > 2 || row < 0 || row === null || isNaN(row)) {
        alert("Not a Valid Row number");
        row = parseInt(prompt(player + "! Please Enter A Row"));
    rowAndColArr[rowAndColArr.length] = row;

    col = parseInt(prompt(player + "! Please Enter A Col"));
    while (col > 2 || col < 0 || col === null || isNaN(col)) {
        alert("Not a Valid Col number");
        col = parseInt(prompt(player + "! Please Enter A Col"));
    rowAndColArr[rowAndColArr.length] = col;

    //This block will check if the given box already marked. If so it will prompt for the move.
    if (board[rowAndColArr[0]][rowAndColArr[1]] !== "_") {
        alert("Already marked on the given box. Please Enter different row and column.!");
        return getRowAndCol(player)

    return rowAndColArr;

//This function will update the position with the given shape according to the move

function boardFn(board, move, shape) {
    for (let rw = 0; rw < board.length; rw++) {
        for (let cl = 0; cl < board[rw].length; cl++) {
            while (rw === move[0] && cl === move[1] && board[rw][cl] === "_") {
                board[rw][cl] = shape;

//This function will check if it is tie

function isTie() {
      for (let rw = 0; rw < board.length; rw++) {
        for (let cl = 0; cl < board[rw].length; cl++) {
            if( board[rw][cl] === "_" ) {
                return false;
      return true;

//These functions will check whether the current player win or not

function equal3(a, b, c) {
    return (a == b && b == c && a != "_");

function checkWinner(player) {
    let winner = null;

    // Win In Horizontal

    for (let rw = 0; rw < 3; rw++) {
        if (equal3(board[rw][0], board[rw][1], board[rw][2])) {
            winner = board[rw][0];
            alert(player + " You Won line");

    // Win In Vertical

    for (let cl = 0; cl < 3; cl++) {
        if (equal3(board[0][cl], board[1][cl], board[2][cl])) {
            winner = board[cl][0];
            alert(player + " You Won col");

    // Win In Diagonal

    if (equal3(board[0][0], board[1][1], board[2][2])) {
        winner = board[0][0];
        alert(player + " You Won diagonal");

    // Win In Diagonal (Other Way)

    if (equal3(board[2][0], board[1][1], board[0][2])) {
        winner = board[2][0];
        alert(player + " You Won digonal other");
    return winner;

var player1 = getName("Player 1") // getting player 1 name
alert(player1 + "! Your shape is 'X'");
var player2 = getName("Player 2") // getting player 2 name
alert(player2 + "! Your shape is 'O'");

// Variables to maintain current players and shape
var currentPlayer = ""
var currentShape = ""

// This block will get and validate moves until we get a winner
while (true) {

    // This block will switch player after a move

    if (currentPlayer == "") {
        currentPlayer = player1;
        currentShape = "X";
    } else if (currentPlayer == player1) {
        currentPlayer = player2;
        currentShape = "O";
    } else {
        currentPlayer = player1;
        currentShape = "X";

    var move = getRowAndCol(currentPlayer);
    boardFn(board, move, currentShape);

    var status = "";
    for (var i in board) {
        for (var j in board[i]) {
            status += board[i][j] + " ";
        status += "\n";

    if (checkWinner(currentPlayer)) {
    } else if (isTie()) {
            alert("Game tied.!")


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