javascript - 使用 javascript 在 Enterprise Architecture 中批量创建标签

标签 javascript enterprise-architect requirements

我创建了一个 EA 项目,其中包含大量需求,需要将其导入到 Redmine 中。我们不想用手来做,而是想使用工具 这个工具需要使用一些特定的标签来同步数据,所以我需要为每个需求创建五个标签,而且我根本无法为每个需求都这样做,因为我有数百个标签。

我开始检查 javascript 脚本,并且在一个示例中注意到了这样的函数:

 * Sets the specified TaggedValue on the provided element. If the provided element does not already
 * contain a TaggedValue with the specified name, a new TaggedValue is created with the requested
 * name and value. If a TaggedValue already exists with the specified name then action to take is
 * determined by the replaceExisting variable. If replaceExisting is set to true, the existing value
 * is replaced with the specified value, if not, a new TaggedValue is created with the new value.
 * @param[in] theElement (EA.Element) The element to set the TaggedValue value on
 * @param[in] taggedValueName (String) The name of the TaggedValue to set
 * @param[in] taggedValueValue (variant) The value of the TaggedValue to set
 * @param[in] replaceExisting (boolean) If a TaggedValue of the same name already exists, specifies 
 * whether to replace it, or create a new TaggedValue.
function TVSetElementTaggedValue( theElement /* : EA.Element */, taggedValueName /* : String */, taggedValueValue /* : variant */, replaceExisting /* : boolean */ ) /* : void */
    if ( theElement != null && taggedValueName.length > 0 )
        var taggedValue as EA.TaggedValue;
        taggedValue = null;

        // If replace existing was specified then attempt to get a tagged value from the element
        // with the provided name
        if ( replaceExisting )
            taggedValue = theElement.TaggedValues.GetByName( taggedValueName );

        if ( taggedValue == null )
            taggedValue = theElement.TaggedValues.AddNew( taggedValueName, taggedValueValue );
            taggedValue.Value = taggedValueValue;






for e in myPackage.elements:
    if e.type == 9: #code for Requirement
        for t in e.taggedValues:
            print(, t.value, t.notes)



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