javascript - 在此代码中要执行的三元运算符的真值在哪里?

标签 javascript shortcut conditional-operator spread

此编码问题的一些背景。我们的 termTopics 函数需要计算调查中每个主题被提及的次数,然后返回一个数组,其中包含按以下顺序提及的次数:智慧城市、艺术资助,然后是交通。

const termTopics = (interviews) => {
  const count = interviews.reduce((acc, cv) => {
    return {...acc, [cv]: acc[cv] ? acc[cv]+1 : 1}
  }, {})
  return [count['smart city'], count['arts funding'], count['transportation']];



const count = interviews
  .reduce((resultObject, interview) => {
    // We are creating an object through the reduce function by iterating through the interviews array.
    // At each iteration we will modify the result object according to the current array interview item value
    return {
      // First we copy the object we have so far
      // Then we set the property corresponding to the current item 
      [interview]: resultObject[interview] 
        // If it is not the first time we have seen this item, the object property already exists and we update it by adding one to its value
        ? resultObject[interview] + 1 
         // Otherwise we create a new property and set it to one
        : 1
  }, {})

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