javascript - 如何修复我的清除按钮以删除阵列

标签 javascript arrays

我真的需要帮助来清除按钮的 onclick。努力理解输入后如何清除数组名称。我最近才开始学习 Javascript,我对 Html 的了解也很一般。

function Add() {
  //create a para obj
  var newPara = document.createElement("p");

  //create the text content
  var input = document.getElementById("txtName").value;
  var newText = document.createTextNode(input);

  //attach the text to the para obj

  //attach the para obj to the div obj
  var myDiv = document.getElementById("result");

function Clear() {
  var newPara = document.getElementById("tostring")
  input = ""
  newPara.value = 0;

function Count() {
  var arrPara = document.getElementById("result").childNodes;
<label>Name</label><input id="txtName" type="text" /><br />
<p id="displayNames"></p>
<button onclick="Add()">Add</button>
<!-- add the name to 
 an array and display the name on the paragraph -->
<button onclick="Clear()">Clear</button>
<!-- clear the 
names in the array and clear the paragraph -->
<button onclick="Count()">Count</button>
<!-- count and 
display the number of times the name has been entered -->
<div id="result"></div>



    function Add() {
      //create a para obj
      var newPara = document.createElement("p");

      //create the text content
      var input = document.getElementById("txtName").value;
      var newText = document.createTextNode(input);

      //attach the text to the para obj

      //attach the para obj to the div obj
      var myDiv = document.getElementById("result");
      document.getElementById('txtName').value = '';

    function Clear() {
      var newPara = document.getElementById("result")
      newPara.textContent = '';
      newPara.value = 0;

    function Count() {
      var arrPara = document.getElementById("result").childNodes;
    <label>Name</label><input id="txtName" type="text" /><br />
    <p id="displayNames"></p>
    <button onclick="Add()">Add</button>
    <!-- add the name to 
     an array and display the name on the paragraph -->
    <button onclick="Clear()">Clear</button>
    <!-- clear the 
    names in the array and clear the paragraph -->
    <button onclick="Count()">Count</button>
    <!-- count and 
    display the number of times the name has been entered -->
    <div id="result"></div>


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