javascript - c# 从 Angular 发送 3 个参数到 c#mvc,我在服务器端得到 null

标签 javascript c# angular typescript post

我正在尝试传递 3 个参数(2 种类型和 1 个字符串), 但在服务器端参数为空


const httpOptions = {
      headers: new HttpHeaders({
         'Content-Type': 'application/json '
let body = {
  auditId: auditId,
  rolId: this.permisoService.currentUserRolValue.rolId,
  valores: JSON.stringify(valores),
return<any>(this._saveURL, body, httpOptions).pipe(
  map(res => { return res; }),


[HttpPost, Route("AuditMail/Save"), Produces("application/json")]
    public async Task<IActionResult> Save([FromBody] int auditId, int rolId , String valores)
        return Json(await _repository.Save(auditId, rolId, valores));

我尝试将内容类型更改为文本/纯文本,删除 [FromBody] 得到相同的结果,

我将不胜感激任何帮助,谢谢 POST



You can not get primitive types from your body directly like [FromBody] string id if your route content type is application/json because mvc waits model to bind json body to model not primitive types.

我建议在您的 API 项目中创建一个新类来保存这些值:

public class AuditMailModel
    public int AuditId { get; set; }
    public int RolId { get; set; }
    public string Valores { get; set; }

然后在你的 Controller 中:

public async Task<IActionResult> Save([FromBody] AuditMailModel model)
    return Json(await _repository.Save(model.AuditId, model.RolId, model.Valores));

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