javascript - 在 PaperJS 中调整屏幕大小和移动设备旋转后禁用重绘 Canvas

标签 javascript paperjs

该用例是圣诞节“刮刮”卡,用户需要在图像上滑动才能显示内容。当调整窗口大小或旋转手机时, Canvas 会重新绘制。我当前的代码如下:

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
    <title>Division Raster</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="wp-content/themes/generatepress_child/paper-full.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/paperscript" canvas="canvas">
// Based on 'JPEG Raster' by Jonathan Puckey:
// Create a raster item using the image with id='mona'
var raster = new Raster('mona');
// Make the raster invisible:
raster.visible = true;
raster.position =;
var lastPos =;

function moveHandler(event) {
    if (lastPos.getDistance(event.point) < 1)
    lastPos = event.point;
    var size = this.bounds.size.clone();
    var isLandscape = size.width > size.height;
    // If the path is in landscape orientation, we're going to
    // split the path horizontally, otherwise vertically:
    size /= isLandscape ? [2, 1] : [1, 2];
    if (size.ceil().width > 10) {
      var path = new Path.Rectangle({
          point: this.bounds.topLeft.floor(),
          size: size.ceil(),
          onMouseMove: moveHandler
      path.fillColor = raster.getAverageColor(path);
      var path = new Path.Rectangle({
          point: isLandscape
              ? this.bounds.topCenter.ceil()
              : this.bounds.leftCenter.ceil(),
          size: size.floor(),
          onMouseMove: moveHandler
      path.fillColor = raster.getAverageColor(path);

function onResize(event) {
    // Transform the raster so that it fills the bounding rectangle
    // of the view:
    raster.fitBounds(view.bounds, true);
    // Create a path that fills the view, and fill it with
    // the average color of the raster:
    new Path.Rectangle({
        rectangle: view.bounds,
        fillColor: raster.getAverageColor(view.bounds),
        onMouseMove: moveHandler

    <style type="text/css" id="wp-custom-css">

        background: center center url(/web.jpg);
            position: absolute;
            bottom: 0;
            left: 0;
            right: 0;
            margin: 0 auto;

    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    margin: 0 auto;
}       </style>
        <canvas id="canvas" resize></canvas>
        <img width="1024" height="1024" id="mona" style="display: none;" src="/web.jpg">

有什么方法可以修复初始 Canvas 大小,这样“抓取”的结果就不会丢失?


您的问题出在 onResize每次调整窗口大小时都会调用该函数,并且基本上会重置您的绘图。
resize <canvas> 上的属性元素也是问题的一部分,因为它确保每次调整窗口大小时都会更新 Canvas 大小。

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Division Raster</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/paperscript" canvas="canvas">
        // Load image then init.
        var raster = new Raster({
            source: '',
            crossOrigin: 'anonymous',
            onLoad: init

        function init() {
            // Make image fill the whole canvas.
            raster.fitBounds(view.bounds, true);

            var lastPos =;

            function moveHandler(event) {
                if (lastPos.getDistance(event.point) < 1) {
                lastPos = event.point;
                var size = this.bounds.size.clone();
                var isLandscape = size.width > size.height;
                // If the path is in landscape orientation, we're going to
                // split the path horizontally, otherwise vertically:
                size /= isLandscape ? [2, 1] : [1, 2];
                if (size.ceil().width > 10) {
                    var path = new Path.Rectangle({
                        point: this.bounds.topLeft.floor(),
                        size: size.ceil(),
                        onMouseMove: moveHandler
                    path.fillColor = raster.getAverageColor(path);
                    var path = new Path.Rectangle({
                        point: isLandscape
                            ? this.bounds.topCenter.ceil()
                            : this.bounds.leftCenter.ceil(),
                        size: size.floor(),
                        onMouseMove: moveHandler
                    path.fillColor = raster.getAverageColor(path);

            // Create a path that fills the view, and fill it with
            // the average color of the raster:
            new Path.Rectangle({
                rectangle: view.bounds,
                fillColor: raster.getAverageColor(view.bounds),
                onMouseMove: moveHandler

    <style type="text/css">
        canvas {
            width    : 100vw;
            height   : 100vh;
            position : absolute;
            top      : 0;
            left     : 0;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

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