javascript - 当我将 javascript 对象添加到数组时,它们的属性会发生变化

标签 javascript arrays javascript-objects


//This is a single cell
  state: 0,
  row: 0,
  col: 0

我想要:单元格(列)的数组(板的行)的数组(板状态)的数组,但是当我向板状态数组添加新行时,每列都更改为 59,没有原因(59 是最大可能列,24 是最大行)。

let board = this.cells //Actuall board
  let newBoards = []//Array of all the boards
  let cellNeighbors //Save the number of neighbors of x cell
  let rowOfCells = [] // An array whit a row of cells
  let newCell

    for(let i = 0; i < board.length; i++)
      newCell = {state: 0, row: 0, col: 0} //A new cell to push into an array

      for(let j = 0; j < board[i].length; j++)
        newCell.row = i 
        newCell.col = j

        cellNeighbors = countNeighbors(i, j, board)

        // Apply rules to cell
        newCell.state = rulesAply(cellNeighbors, board[i][j].state)
        // Add new cells to an array
        // Set timeout for make a steps animation of every state in the array
      rowOfCells = []


0: Array(24)
0: Array(60)
0: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
1: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
2: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
3: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
4: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
5: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
6: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
7: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
8: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
9: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
10: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
11: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
12: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
13: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
14: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
15: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
16: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
17: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
18: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
19: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
20: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
21: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
22: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
23: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
24: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
25: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
26: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
27: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
28: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}
29: {state: 0, row: 0, col: 59}

并继续每一行,每列始终为 59。


您仅在外部循环中创建一个 newCell,因此当您在内部循环中.push 时,您将推送同一个对象 在内存中多次复制到数组中。相反,在内循环中创建对象:

for (let i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
  const rowOfCells = [];
  for (let j = 0; j < board[i].length; j++) {
    const newCell = { state: 0, row: i, col: j };
    // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    cellNeighbors = countNeighbors(i, j, board)

    // Apply rules to cell
    newCell.state = rulesAply(cellNeighbors, board[i][j].state)
    // Add new cells to an array
    // Set timeout for make a steps animation of every state in the array

(非常确定您想要将新的单元格行推送到新的 newBoards 数组,而不是它的第一个子数组)


const newBoards =, row) => (, col) => (
    { row, col, state: countNeighbors(row, col, board) }

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