javascript - 在每个页面上将 <Link> 与 React Router 一起使用时,Props 始终未定义

标签 javascript node.js reactjs

我正在使用react-router-domLink为了将 props 传递给其他组件,我打算在我的 /details 上使用这些 props路线。但是我似乎无法定义 Prop ,我检查了其他问题并且正在使用: <Link to={{pathname:'/details', state: {Obj:this.state}}}>无济于事:


// this will be the home page that lists all the available leads

import React from 'react'
import {getAllLeads, getAllLeadsGraphQL} from '../../src/calls'
import List from './List'
import {LeadDetails} from './LeadDetails'
import {CreateLead} from './CreateLead'
import util from 'util'
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Switch, Link } from 'react-router-dom';

class Home extends React.Component {

  this.state = {
    dataType: "", // store the type of data for the type of operation that should be sent to the backend. For example "create" will have the data for creating data
    data: {},
    displayOptions: false,
    leads: [],
    selectedLead: null

    // have CRUD options that are displayed when user clicks on a lead. When on of the options are selected
    // display the appropriate fields
    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this)
    this.displayDetails = this.displayDetails.bind(this)

  async handleChange(event){
    // use console.log here otherwise it won't show the desired value for state on the first click
    // this.setState({displayOptions: true}, () => console.log(this.state)) 
    // now get the details for each lead from backend


  async displayDetails(dataType, selectedLead){
    selectedLead.contacted = JSON.stringify(selectedLead.contacted)
      displayOptions: true,
      dataType: dataType,
      selectedLead: selectedLead
    }, () => console.log("options", this.state));


  async componentDidMount() {
    var leads = await getAllLeads((data) => {return data});
    leads = JSON.parse(leads)
    this.setState({ leads });
    console.log("REF", leads)

    // GraphQL CALL
    // var leads = await getAllLeadsGraphQL(function(data){
    //   return data
    // })
    // leads = JSON.parse(leads)
    // leads = leads.all_leads
    // this.setState({ leads })

  // <HomePage dataState={this.state}/>
  // then if the dataType isn't empty display the HTML for those fields
  // <Card Obj={this.state} displayDetails={this.displayDetails}/>
  render() {
    // when one of the leads is clicked, display options
    if(this.state.dataType === "detail" && this.state.displayOptions === true){
        console.log("DISPLAY Details",this.state.displayOptions)
        // Switch>
        // <Route path="/leads" component={Home}></Route>
        // </Switch>
        return (
          <div className="App">
            <h1> Details for {this.state.selectedLead["firstName"]}  {this.state.selectedLead["lastName"]} </h1>
            <LeadDetails Obj={this.state} />

    return (
        <div className="App">
          <h1> Select lead  </h1>
            <List Obj={this.state} displayDetails={this.displayDetails}/>      

export default Home;


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

    class List extends Component {
      constructor(props) {

        this.state = {
          showMenu: false,

        this.showMenu = this.showMenu.bind(this);
        this.closeMenu = this.closeMenu.bind(this);

        console.log("SELECTED", leadObj)
        this.props.displayDetails('detail', leadObj)


      closeMenu(event) {

        if (!this.dropdownMenu.contains( {

          this.setState({ showMenu: false }, () => {
            document.removeEventListener('click', this.closeMenu);


          console.log("HEREw", arg)

      render() {
        console.log("THIS PROPS HERE", this.props)
        return (  
            { => (
<Link to={{pathname:'/details', state: {Obj:this.state}}}>
            <button key={} href={lead.first_name} onClick={()=>this.showMenu({"email", "firstName":lead.first_name, 
            "lastName":lead.last_name, "contacted": lead.contacted, "updatedAt":lead.updated_At, "createdAt": lead.created_At})}>
                {lead.first_name} {lead.last_name} 


    export default List


import React from 'react'
import Home from './components/Home'
import List from './components/List'
import {CreateLead} from './components/CreateLead'
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (

      <div className="App">
          <Route path="/home" component={Home}/>
          <Route path="/details" component={List} />
          <Route path="/create" component={CreateLead} />

export default App;

我可以通过location看到路线对象或其他任何东西。 , history等等


您可以从<Link />获取数据通过将对象传递给子组件中的属性和访问权限来组件。

<Link to={{ pathname: '/details', state: { Check: true } }}>
  <Card />


const { Check } = this.props.location.state;

const Check = this.props.location.state.Check;

您可以将状态对象中的任何数据存储在子组件中并进行访问。 您甚至可以在这样的状态下 paas 对象。

 <Link to={{ pathname: '/details', state: { User: { name: 'abc' } } }}>
  <Card />


const userName =;


关于javascript - 在每个页面上将 <Link> 与 React Router 一起使用时,Props 始终未定义,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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