javascript - window.onready = function() 在 IE 中失败

标签 javascript dom-events

我有一个严格基于浏览器的 JavaScript 和 xlst 应用程序。它通常在本地计算机上使用,但有时通过 Apache 访问。

主页是content.html,它的内容会动态更改。在一种情况下,一页中的 href 打开一个新窗口,最终执行以下代码,设置一个 onready 函数,目的是获取构建的新窗口的内容。

这几乎适用于所有情况。它适用于 Firefox 的所有情况。当本地运行时,它甚至适用于 IE 的所有情况(例如 file:///C:/Program%20Files/Apache%20Software%20Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/hlic/index.html )。

我的问题是,当在 IE 中通过 Apache 访问时,我只看到一个空白窗口。它的行为就像 onready 函数永远不会被触发。但是,如果我添加 alert("fire"),警报就会显示,之后,我的窗口内容就会显示。那么为什么它只适用于警报呢?我还能做什么来让内容显示出来?任何帮助将不胜感激。


 *  PresentStreamInNewBrowser
 *      Creates a new browser window and fills with
 *      provided content stream. Also sizes the
 *      window to either default dimensions or to any       
 *      supplied dimensions.
 *      A close and a print button are added to the bottom 
 *      of the content stream.
 *      Inputs:
 *          pageStream - content stream to display
 *              in new window.
 *          height, width, top, left - dimensions
 *              for the newly opened window. (optional)
function Presenter_PresentStreamInNewBrowser( pageStream, height, width, top, left )
    // set the features
    var features  = "height=" + height;
        features += ",width=" + width;
        features += ",top=" + top;
        features += ",left=" + left;
        features += ",scrollbars=yes";
        features += ",resizable=yes";

    // open the window
    var presenter = this;
    var newWindow =
        app.NormalizeURI("deview/frames/content.html"), '', features );

    // the rest of the code executes when the content window
    // calls its onready function, after it has loaded
    newWindow.onready = function() {


        var doc = newWindow.document;

        // create stylesheet links if applicable
        for(var i = 0; i < pageStream.stylesheet.length; i++) {
            var linkElement = doc.createElement("link");
            linkElement.rel = "stylesheet";
            linkElement.href = pageStream.stylesheet[i];
            doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild( linkElement );

        // insert content
        doc.body.innerHTML = "";
        doc.body.appendChild( pageStream.content.importIntoDocument(doc) );
        doc.body.appendChild( doc.createElement("br") );

        // Handle generation of special pages.
        presenter.AddGeneratedContent( doc );

        // add a close button
        var selectionString =
        var buttontext = app.displayStringsDOM.selectSingleNode(
        selectionString ).firstChild.nodeValue;
        var closeButtonElement = doc.createElement("button"); = "closebutton";
        closeButtonElement.className = "addonbutton";
        closeButtonElement.onclick = "javascript:window.close()";
        closeButtonElement.value = buttontext;
        doc.body.appendChild( closeButtonElement );

        // add a print button
        selectionString =
        buttontext = app.displayStringsDOM.selectSingleNode(
        selectionString ).firstChild.nodeValue;
        var printButtonElement = doc.createElement("button"); = "printbutton";
        printButtonElement.className = "addonbutton";
        printButtonElement.onclick = "javascript:window.print()";
        printButtonElement.value = buttontext;
        doc.body.appendChild( printButtonElement );

        // close up shop
        newWindow.document.createElement("br") );
        newWindow.document.title = '-';

        // add some language dependent text
        presenter.AddButtonLabel( doc );
        presenter.AddExamLabels( doc );




var newWindowReadyFired = false;

newWindow.onready = function() {
  if (newWindowReadyFired) return; //just in case race condition got us in here twice   
  newWindowReadyFired = true;

  //....the rest of your event handler

function chkFunc() {
  if (newWindowReadyFired) return; //magic already done

  if (newWindow.document && newWindow.document.readyState == 4) {
  } else {
    setTimeout(chkFunc,"100"); //wait and try again


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