javascript - 横幅刷新代码

标签 javascript

我有横幅代码,它与图像和超链接不同。我所需要的只是 javascript 代码,它将每 30 秒刷新一次此代码,而不刷新页面的其余部分。

此横幅代码将出现在聊天室中。我真的很感激任何帮助。 横幅代码:

<script language='JavaScript' 
        src='xxxxxx/banner.php?uname=yyyy&type=2&rows=1' >    



一旦所有内容都包装在函数中,您就可以使用 setTimeout 来调用该方法。我会做这样的事情:

function drawBanner() {
    // Do stuff to draw the banner.
    // Make sure you handle the case that the
    // banner is already present in the DOM!

function onDrawBannerTimer() {
    // Set this function to fire again after 30 seconds.
    // Note that this will fire it roughly every 30 seconds real-time.
    // You can move this statement to after the drawBanner() call
    // in order to make it 30 seconds between the end of one
    // invocation and the start of the next.
    setTimeout(onDrawBannerTimer, 30 * 1000);

// Trigger the first invocation when the script is loaded.

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