c++ - 如何使用 aligned_storage 和多态性避免未定义的行为

标签 c++ c++11 reinterpret-cast


struct Base {
    virtual ~Base() = default;
    virtual int forward() = 0;

struct Derived : Base {
    int forward() override {
        return 42;

typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(Derived), alignof(Derived)>::type storage;

new (&storage) Derived{};
auto&& base = *reinterpret_cast<Base*>(&storage);

std::cout << base.forward() << std::endl;

我非常怀疑这是明确定义的行为。如果确实是未定义的行为,我该如何解决?在执行reinterpret_cast 的代码中,我只知道基类的类型。


仅保留对包含对象的引用在这里不适用。在我的代码中,我想将 SBO 应用到类型删除列表上,其中类型由我的库的用户创建,并且基本上扩展了 Base 类。

我在模板函数中添加元素,但在读取它的函数中,我无法知道 Derived 类型。我使用基类的全部原因是因为我只需要在读取它的代码中使用 forward 函数。


union Storage {
    // not used in this example, but it is in my code
    void* pointer;

    template<typename T>
    Storage(T t) noexcept : storage{} {
        new (&storage) T{std::move(t)}

    // This will be the only active member for this example
    std::aligned_storage<16, 8> storage = {};

template<typename Data>
struct Base {
    virtual Data forward();

template<typename Data, typename T>
struct Derived : Base<Data> {
    Derived(T inst) noexcept : instance{std::move(inst)} {}

    Data forward() override {
        return instance.forward();

    T instance;

template<typename> type_id(){}
using type_id_t = void(*)();

std::unordered_map<type_id_t, Storage> superList;

template<typename T>
void addToList(T type) {
    using Data = decltype(type.forward());

    superList.emplace(type_id<Data>, Derived<Data, T>{std::move(type)});

template<typename Data>
auto getForwardResult() -> Data {
    auto it = superList.find(type_id<Data>);
    if (it != superList.end()) {
        // I expect the cast to be valid... how to do it?
        return reinterpret_cast<Base<Data>*>(it->second.storage)->forward();

    return {};

// These two function are in very distant parts of code.
void insert() {
    struct A { int forward() { return 1; } };
    struct B { float forward() { return 1.f; } };
    struct C { const char* forward() { return "hello"; } };


void print() {
   std::cout << getForwardResult<int>() << std::endl;
   std::cout << getForwardResult<float>() << std::endl;
   std::cout << getForwardResult<const char*>() << std::endl;

int main() {


不确定 reinterpret_cast 是否需要使用基类类型的确切语义,但您始终可以这样做,

typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(Derived), alignof(Derived)>::type storage;

auto derived_ptr = new (&storage) Derived{};
auto base_ptr = static_cast<Base*>(derived_ptr);

std::cout << base_ptr->forward() << std::endl;

另外,为什么在代码中使用 auto&&base 引用?

如果您只知道代码中基类的类型,那么请考虑在 aligned_storage 的抽象中使用一个简单的特征

template <typename Type>
struct TypeAwareAlignedStorage {
    using value_type = Type;
    using type = std::aligned_storage_t<sizeof(Type), alignof(Type)>;


template <typename StorageType>
void cast_to_base(StorageType& storage) {
    using DerivedType = std::decay_t<StorageType>::value_type;
    auto& derived_ref = *(reinterpret_cast<DerivedType*>(&storage));
    Base& base_ref = derived_ref;



namespace detail {
    template <typename TypeToMatch, typename Type>
    struct MatchReferenceImpl;
    template <typename TypeToMatch, typename Type>
    struct MatchReferenceImpl<TypeToMatch&, Type> {
        using type = Type&;
    template <typename TypeToMatch, typename Type>
    struct MatchReferenceImpl<const TypeToMatch&, Type> {
        using type = const Type&;
    template <typename TypeToMatch, typename Type>
    struct MatchReferenceImpl<TypeToMatch&&, Type> {
        using type = Type&&;
    template <typename TypeToMatch, typename Type>
    struct MatchReferenceImpl<const TypeToMatch&&, Type> {
        using type = const Type&&;

template <typename TypeToMatch, typename Type>
struct MatchReference {
    using type = typename detail::MatchReferenceImpl<TypeToMatch, Type>::type;

template <typename StorageType>
void cast_to_base(StorageType&& storage) {
    using DerivedType = std::decay_t<StorageType>::value_type;
    auto& derived_ref = *(reinterpret_cast<DerivedType*>(&storage));
    typename MatchReference<StorageType&&, Base>::type base_ref = derived_ref;



struct Base {
    virtual ~Base() = default;
    virtual int forward() = 0;

 * An abstract base mixin that forces definition of a type erasure utility
template <typename Base>
struct GetBasePtr {
    Base* get_base_ptr() = 0;

template <DerivedType>
class DerivedWrapper : public GetBasePtr<Base> {
    // assert that the derived type is actually a derived type
    static_assert(std::is_base_of<Base, std::decay_t<DerivedType>>::value, "");

    // forward the instance to the internal storage
    template <typename T>
    DerivedWrapper(T&& storage_in)  { 
        new (&this->storage) DerivedType{std::forward<T>(storage_in)};

    Base* get_base_ptr() override {
        return reinterpret_cast<DerivedType*>(&this->storage);

    std::aligned_storage_t<sizeof(DerivedType), alignof(DerivedType)> storage;

// the homogenous container, global for explanation purposes
std::unordered_map<IdType, std::unique_ptr<GetBasePtr<Base>>> homogenous_container;

template <typename DerivedType>
void add_to_homogenous_collection(IdType id, DerivedType&& object) {
    using ToBeErased = DerivedWrapper<std::decay_t<DerivedType>>;
    auto ptr = std::unique_ptr<GetBasePtr<Base>>{
    homogenous_container.insert(std::make_pair(id, std::move(ptr)));

// and then

关于c++ - 如何使用 aligned_storage 和多态性避免未定义的行为,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44234166/


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