javascript - 使用 JQuery 从表构建 JSON

标签 javascript jquery json

我正在尝试使用可编辑的表在 JQuery 中构建以下 JSON,但我不知道应该从哪里开始,因为我的标题、登机区(列)数和路线序列(行)数发生了变化一直如此,因此我必须手动提取数据并构造每行的 JSON。预先感谢您的任何评论和回复。

{  "name": txtRouteName.val(),
  "serial": [
    { "rsn": "X100", "boardingzone": [
      { "name": "Foo", "time": "8:00" },
      { "name": "Bar", "time": "8:15"}
    ] },
    { "rsn": "X101", "boardingzone": [
      { "name": "Foo", "time": "9:00" },
      { "name": "Bar", "time": "9:15"}
    ] }


<table id="table1">


首先,我建议您使用 th 作为表格标题:

<table id="table1">



function parseTable(table) {
    // Helper function to extract the text content of a cell
    function getText(i, cell) { return $(cell).text().trim() };

    // Get the text of the headings as an array
    var headings = $(table).find('tr:eq(0)').find('th').map(getText);

    // Get the text of the values as an array of arrays (values in rows)
    var values = $(table).find('tr:gt(0)').map(function(i, row) {
        return $(row).find('td').map(getText);

    // Map the data according to these rules:
    // One object per row, with `boardingzone` keeping an array of the values
    var result = $.map(values, function(row) {
        var obj = {};
        obj[headings[0]] = row[0];
        obj.boardingzone = $.map(row.slice(1), function(value, i) {
            return {
                name: headings[i + 1],
                time: value
        return obj;

    return result;

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