javascript - ".resize"事件与 't work with "偏移量“在一起

标签 javascript jquery


$(window).resize(function() {
    var p = $("#outer_wrap");
    var offset = p.offset();
    alert("left: " + offset.left + ", top: " +;


尽量不要使用alert函数,而是使用console.log(确保控制台窗口打开),这对我有用。这可能是由于跨浏览器处理 resize 事件引起的(某些浏览器在调整窗口大小时不断发送该事件。

来自jQuery :

Code in a resize handler should never rely on the number of times the handler is called. Depending on implementation, resize events can be sent continuously as the resizing is in progress (the typical behavior in Internet Explorer and WebKit-based browsers such as Safari and Chrome), or only once at the end of the resize operation (the typical behavior in some other browsers such as Opera).

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