javascript - 创建坐标网格数组

标签 javascript

我对数组的创建有点困惑。我有一个带有 x:y 坐标及其尺寸(网格大小)的项目列表...例如:

x: 1
y: 7
width: 2 tiles
height: 2 tiles

所以我想做的想法是创建一个“占用”的 x:y 网格数组。但是循环这些数据,因此占用的图 block 将是:

x: 1
y: 7
x: 2
y: 7
x: 1
y: 8
x: 2
y: 8

因为在上面的示例中,该项目是 2 x 2 block (一个正方形)。


7: Array[4]
0: "1"
1: "7"
2: "2"
3: "2"



var chords = [ // instead of arrays we'll use objects.. they're nicer. 
    x: 1,
    y: 7,
    h: 2, // height
    w: 2}, // width
{ // ohh look a second plot point.
    x: 4,
    y: 1,
    h: 3,
    w: 2},

var occupied = { // will be your cells points occupied
    x: [],
    y: []    
chords.forEach(function(chord) { // now lets loop the chords and produce the occupied array
    occupied.x.push( chord.x );
    occupied.x.push( chord.x + (chord.w-1) ); // expand the width of the cell - initial point
    occupied.y.push( chord.y );
    occupied.y.push( chord.y + (chord.h-1) ); // expand the height of the cell - initial point
console.log( occupied );
// outputs
    x: Array[4]
        0: 1
        1: 2
        2: 4
        3: 5

    y: Array[4]
        0: 7
        1: 8
        2: 1
        3: 3

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