javascript - 错误: strictValidationFailed

标签 javascript google-apps-script

我正在尝试从 doGet() 函数访问电子表格,该函数在从表单提交获取电子邮件的用户单击链接时执行。我认为我无法从 doGet() 调用 getActiveSpreadsheet 。因此,我通过链接发送了电子表格 ID 和行号,然后通过 openById 调用我需要的电子表格,但是当我这样做时,我收到一个奇怪的错误“strictValidationFailed”。就是这样,这就是关于错误的全部内容。它没有给出行号。或错误类型。看来自从我开始使用 openById 功能时开始出现此错误,该错误可能与此相关。我在下面附上了与​​此相关的代码片段。

function onFormSubmit(event) { //On form submission send an email to the approver. 
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var approvalsheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Approval Worksheet");
//Get values that have to be put on the email.
var timestamp = event.values[0]; 
var username = event.values[1]; 
var campus = event.values[2];
var gltype = event.values[3]; 
var fullname = event.values[4];
var eMailAdd = event.values[5];
var description = event.values[6];
var replacement = event.values[7];
var usage = event.values[8];
var members = event.values[9];
var notes = event.values[11];
var initialowner = event.values[12];
//The service url that is required for approval on the email.
var serviceurl = //hiding the service URL
//Setting the message that goes on the email sent to the approver.
var message = 'There is a new Submission to the UAF List or Group aprooval  Workflow\n\n\n'+'You can aproove this request here: '+serviceurl+
  '\n\nTime of Submission: '+timestamp+'\n\nSubmitter Username: '+username
  +'\n\nCampus: '+campus+'\n\nFull Name: '+fullname+'\n\nMiddle Portion of Email Address: '+eMailAdd
  +'\n\nDescription of the List/Group: '+description + '\n\nIs this replacing an existing eMail List or Group? '
  +replacement+'\n\nUsage: '+usage+'\n\nAnticipated number of members: '+members+'\n\nBrief notes about the request :'
  +notes+'\n\nAre you the initial owner :'+initialowner;
//Title for the mail sent.
var title = 'New Submission at '+timestamp;
//Email address for the approver that gets the submission notification.
var mailAdd = ''
//Sending Email to the approver.    
MailApp.sendEmail(mailAdd, title, message);

function doGet(e) //On hitting approve button in the mail.
//retrieving spreadsheet ID from the approval link.
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(e.parameter['spreadsheetId']);
//if (spreadsheet != null) {
var approvalsheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Approval Worksheet");
var row = e.parameter['row'];//retreiving row value that came from the approval link.
approvalsheet.getRange(row, 17).setValue('Yes');//Setting the approval value on the spreadsheet to Yes.
approvalsheet.getRange(row, 17).setBackground('White');//Setting the approval box color to white.
//Creating UiApp for approval notification.
var app = UiApp.createApplication(); //Create an instance of UiApp
var label = app.createLabel(); //Create a lable on the UiApp
label.setText('The list or group was approved');//Set text on the Label.
app.add(label);//Add label to the UiApp instance.
return app;



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