javascript removeChild 然后使用 insertBefore 将其替换为新文本

标签 javascript function modularity removechild

我想在外部 javascript 文件中创建一个函数,以便稍后重用(即,一个足够通用的模块化函数,可以在任何需要它的 javascript 中使用)。我想用纯 JavaScript 来完成此操作,而不是使用 jQuery 或innerHTML。

我希望这个模块化函数执行以下操作: 1)删除子元素 2)用新的子值替换这个子项


<p id="removeMe">This text needs to be removed</p>
<p id="nextPara">This is the paragraph that follows the replaced paragraph</p>


  1) parentNode.removeChild(removeMe);
  2) var replacementParagraph = document.createElement('p');
  3) var replacementParagraphText =document.createTextNode("This is the replacementParagraph text);
  4) replacementParagraph.appendChild(replacementParagraphText);


function removeReplace (parameter, parameter) {
   1) remove the child of the paragraph with the id of "removeMe"
   2) use insertBefore(newText, nextPara) to replace the child that was removed in step 1



哦,这更容易,因为这个函数本身已经存在:.replaceChild() 。实际上你已经有了算法,你只需要用 javascript 编写它:

function replaceElementByParagraph(id, text) {
    var toremove = document.getElementById(id);
    if (!toremove) // in case no element was found:
        return false; // abort
    var para = document.createElement('p');
    return toremove.parentNode.replaceChild(para, toremove);

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