c++ - 为什么 clang 不允许通过实例访问嵌套的枚举类?

标签 c++ clang language-lawyer


struct S {
    enum class EnumClass {
    } ;

    enum Enum {

int main()
    S s;
    S::EnumClass e = s.EnumClass::one; // <- Doesn't compile with clang
    S::Enum e11 = s.Enum::one;
    S::Enum e12 = s.one;

一切都适用于 GCC,但 clang(既不是 3.8 也不是 3.9)不编译 s.EnumClass::one,给出错误:'S::EnumClass::one' is不是“S”类的成员



这是 gcc1 中的错误。相关措辞在[expr.ref]p2 :

In either case, the id-expression [here: EnumClass::one] shall name a member of the class or of one of its base classes.

EnumClass::one 不是指类的成员,它是枚举的成员。该枚举是否属于该类并不重要,只是成员 one 本身不是该类的一部分。

但是 Enum::one 是类的一部分吗?是的,根据 [class.member]p1 :

Members of a class are data members, member functions, nested types, enumerators, and member templates and specializations thereof.

并在 [class.member]p3 中更加明确:

The enumerators of an unscoped enumeration defined in the class are members of the class.


关于c++ - 为什么 clang 不允许通过实例访问嵌套的枚举类?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50027942/


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