javascript - 我找不到这个语法错误

标签 javascript push-notification phonegap-build


// handle GCM notifications for Android
 function onNotificationGCM(e) {
 switch( e.event )
     case 'registered':
     if ( e.regid.length > 0 )
         // Your GCM push server needs to know the regID before it can push to this device
         // here is where you might want to send it the regID for later use.
         PushWoosh.appCode = "33F93-5013B";
         PushWoosh.register(e.regid, function(data) {
                     alert("PushWoosh register success: " + JSON.stringify(data));
                 }, function(errorregistration) {
                     alert("Couldn't register with PushWoosh" +  errorregistration);




您的 onNotificationGCM() 函数未关闭,并且其中包含的 switch block 也未关闭。 JavaScript 解析器期望看到两个额外的右大括号 (}),但输入文件在看到它们之前就终止了。

我的猜测是,您需要在 break; 语句之后、在分配 PushNotification.prototype.register 之前添加这两个大括号。

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