javascript - 限制 'Add Row' 函数中添加的行数为 10

标签 javascript jquery

我在java脚本中有一个“添加行”功能。如何将添加的行数限制为不超过 10 行?这是我的代码。感谢您的帮助!

$(document).on('click', '#addAddOnDay', function() {
    var rowCount = $('#addOnDay tr').length + 1;
    var rowClass = (rowCount % 2 != 0) ? 'rowOdd' : 'rowEven';
    $('#addOnDay').append('<tr class="'+ rowClass +'"> \
<td align="center"><input type="text" class="text" style="width: 99%;" /></td> \
<td align="center"><input type="radio" name="4a_1"> <label>Yes</label> &nbsp; <input type="radio" name="4a_1" checked> <label>No</label></td> \
<td align="center">20000 or 95%</td> \
<td align="center" class="rollUpDisplay">1</td> \



                var rowCount = $('#addOnDay tr').length; // current number of rows
                if(rowCount >= 10) {
                        return ;
   // Rest of the code....


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