javascript - 仅当返回 true 时才可以在 if 语句中调用函数

标签 javascript

我试图仅在 if 语句返回 true 时调用该函数。下面的函数检查用户名字段以确保其中有内容(如果有)将其发送到函数验证表单

function usernamecheck() {
    if ($("#signupUsername").val().length < 4) {

        return true;

function validateForm() {

    if (usernamecheck(returns true)) {
        //run code



function usernamecheck() {
    //Updated this to just return the expression.  It will return true or false.
    return $("#signupUsername").val().length < 4;        

function validateForm() {
    //Here we just call the above function that will either return true or false.
    //So by nature the if only executes if usernamecheck() returns true.
    if (usernamecheck()) {
        //Success..Username passed.

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