javascript - canvas getImageData 返回太多像素

标签 javascript canvas getimagedata

我正在创建一个移动网络应用程序游戏,让用户可以在屏幕上滑动来清除它。 我正在尝试编写一个智能函数来检测几乎整个 Canvas 何时是透明的。

我有一个间隔,每秒调用下面的函数来进行检查。 它应该工作的方式是我取一 block 20 像素宽、与 Canvas 一样高的 Canvas 部分。

该函数应该运行得相当流畅,但由于某种原因,getImageData 函数返回了许多像素。我的扇区始终是 20 像素宽并且具有相同的高度,因此每次都应该返回相同数量的像素。当然,由于 getImageData 返回的数字越来越大,我的循环变得越来越慢。

有谁知道这是什么原因造成的吗?我是否误解了 getImageData 函数的工作方式?

isCanvasTransparent: function (fromX, toX, currentIteration) {

        if(currentIteration < this.clearedIterations) { // If a sector is already clear, we dont need to check it again
            this.isCanvasTransparent(fromX + 20, toX + 20, currentIteration + 1);
        } else {
            var data = this.context.getImageData(fromX, 0, toX, parseInt(;
            var counter = 0;
            var i = 0;

            // For some reason, the length increases, but the diff between fromX and toX is always 20

            for(i=0;i<(data.length);i+=4) { 
                    // I stop iterating, since there are too many non transparent pixels
                    if(counter > 10) {

            // I accept that 10 pixels in each sector is not transparent
            if((counter < 10) && !this.alerted) {
                this.clearedIterations++; // Here we increase clearedIterations, since this sector is clear

                // There are no more iterations, so we are done
                if(currentIteration === this.maxIterations) {
                     // this is the interval that calls isCanvasTransparent(0, 20, 0)
                     // in the first place. The interval is called each second. But as soon the whole view
                     // is transparent, we clear it, so that isCanvasTransparent is no longer called
                    this.alerted = true;
                } else {
                    // this sector is clear, but we need to check the next one, since we are not at the end
                    this.isCanvasTransparent(fromX + 20, toX + 20, currentIteration + 1);


如果没有看到您如何设置 fromX/toX,则不确定,但看起来您没有为 getImageData 提供正确的参数。

context.getImageData 具有以下参数:

  • x:要提取的起始x坐标,
  • y:要提取的起始 y 坐标,
  • 宽度:提取一个这么多像素宽的 block ,
  • 高度:提取这么多像素高的 block


如果您想要相同大小的像素数据 block ,您的第一个调用是

var data=getImageData(0,0, 20, canvas.height).data;


// Note: the width arguement remains at 20, not increase to 40

var data=getImageData(20,0, 20, canvas.height).data;

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