javascript - setTimeout(fun) 和 setTimeout(fun,4) 之间有区别吗

标签 javascript html settimeout

setTimeout 的行为有点令人困惑, 我读过的所有资源都表明,当没有指定延迟时,任务将被附加到队列末尾,并在解释器无事可做时执行(空队列?)。 但是,请看以下示例:

setTimeout(function() { console.log('without delay!'); })
setTimeout(function () { console.log('with delay'); }, 1000);
var start =;
while ( < start + 3000) {} // block for 3 seconds
console.log('After wait');


After wait
with delay
without delay

但是,输出是(在 Chrome 和 Firefox 中测试):

After wait
without delay
with delay


前面的示例让我推断出 setTimeout(fn)setTimeout(fn,0)setTimeout(fn, 4)(4ms是HTML5中的最小延迟),因为没有延迟的函数先于延迟1秒的函数执行完毕。(两者都已准备好执行)

所以我的问题是它们是否等效? (在 HTML5 中)。


没有超时相当于0,0相当于4,根据W3 specification for timers : :

4. Get the timeout, and let timeout be the result.
5. If the currently running task is a task that was created by the setTimeout() method, and timeout is less than 4, then increase timeout to 4. :

When the above methods are to get the timeout, they must run the following steps:

  1. Let timeout be the second argument to the method, or zero if the argument was omitted.

  2. Apply the ToString() abstract operation to timeout, and let timeout be the result. [ECMA262]

  3. Apply the ToNumber() abstract operation to timeout, and let timeout be the result. [ECMA262]

  4. If timeout is an Infinity value, a Not-a-Number (NaN) value, or negative, let timeout be zero.

  5. Round timeout down to the nearest integer, and let timeout be the result.

  6. Return timeout.

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