javascript - 查找包含字符串的元素并替换同级元素

标签 javascript jquery html

所以,我有一个网站,并且只有一些类可以用来隔离我想要编辑的元素。我需要在 html 中找到一个包含特定字符串的元素,并替换它的同级 html 之一。无论如何,这是我得到的代码:

if(("").html().indexOf(vaUID[index]) >= 0) {
    $("").each(function (index2, obj) {
        if($(this).html().indexOf(vaUID[index]) >= 0) {
            $(this).siblings('.registered').html('<div class="registered"><a href='+users[index]+ '>currently streaming' + + '</a></div>');

这是起始 html:

<div class="user first">
    <div class="element_avatar simple small  "><a href="" data-minitooltip="username"><img src=""></a></div>
    <div class="info">
        <a href="" class="element_username tag-xxxxxx">username</a>
        <span class="nameicons">
            <!--Irrelevant Excess Code-->
        <div class="registered">currently browsing</div>
    <div class="clearing"><!--  --></div>


<div class="user first">
    <div class="element_avatar simple small  "><a href="" data-minitooltip="username"><img src=""></a></div>
    <div class="info">
        <a href="" class="element_username tag-xxxxxx">username</a>
        <span class="nameicons">
            <!--Irrelevant Excess Code-->
        <div class="registered"><a href=''>currently streaming gamename</a></div>
    <div class="clearing"><!--  --></div>

请记住,我在同一个类中有几个这样的代码块。 vaUID[index] 的示例值为 xxxxxx。


我建议,基于该 HTML:

// selects the appropriate elements:
$('.user .info a.element_username')
    // filters that collection:
        // retains only those in which this assessment results as true/truthy
        return $.trim($(this).text()) === 'username';
    // searches amongst those retained-elements' sibling for those that match
    // the passed-selector:
    // wraps the contents of those elements with the supplied HTML:
    .wrapInner('<a href=""></a>');

JS Fiddle demo .

上述 filter() 条件将仅保留那些文本内容'username' 字符串精确匹配的元素 (demo to highlight that problem );要保留那些仅包含该字符串的内容,您可以将 filter() 修改为:

return $(this).text().indexOf('username') > -1; // this is case-sensitive

JS Fiddle demo .


return $(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf('username') > -1; // this is case-insensitive

JS Fiddle demo .


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