javascript - 向站点添加搜索功能

标签 javascript jquery html ajax button





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下面的截图, enter image description here


<title>Sample Seach</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
    var url = '',
    mode = 'search/movie',
    key = '?api_key='API KEY';

    $('#search').click(function() {
        var input = $('#movie').val(),
            movieName = encodeURI(input);
            url: url + mode + key + '&query='+movieName ,
            dataType: 'jsonp',
            success: function(data) {

        var table = '<table>';
        $.each( data.results, function( key, value ) {
          table += '<tr><td class="results-img"><img src="' + value.poster_path +'" alt="" width="150" height="200"></td><td class="results-title">' + value.original_title + '</td><td class="results-date">' + value.release_date + 
          '</td><td class="results-search-btn"><button class="search-btn" id="MoreInfo">Few More Info</button></td></tr>';

<script text="text/javascript">
// When the more button is click this runs a search using the title of the movie 
$(document).on('click', '.search-btn', function() {
    getImdbInfo( $(this).closest('td').prev('.results-title').text() );

//The function below takes the entered title and searchs imdb for a match then it displays as followed

function getImdbInfo(Title) {
    var url = "" + Title;
      url: url,
      cache: false,
      dataType: "jsonp",
      success: function(data) {

            var str = "";
            str += "<h2>Title :" +data.Title+ "</h2>";
            str += "<p>Year :" +data.Plot+ "</p>";

      error: function (request, status, error) { alert(status + ", " + error); }
<h1>Movie Search</h1>
<input id="movie" type="text" /><button id="search">Search</button>
<div id="searchresult"></div>
<div id="chosenresult"></div>


基于此 HTML

    <td><img src="http://... .jpg" alt="" width="150" height="200"></td>
    <td><button id="MoreInfo">Few More Info</button></td>

...您应该能够使用 DOM 遍历来获取搜索标题,如下所示:

$(document).on('click', 'td button', function() {
    getImdbInfo( $(this).closest('tr').('td').eq(2).text() );

但是,我的印象是每个按钮上都有相同的 ID 值,这是无效的。您应该将一些类添加到您的结构中并以它们为目标,如下所示:

    <td class="results-img"><img src="http://... .jpg" alt="" width="150" height="200"></td>
    <td class="results-title">300</td>
    <td class="results-date">2006-12-08</td>
    <td class="results-search-btn"><button class="search-btn" id="MoreInfo_1">Few More Info</button></td>


$(document).on('click', '.search-btn', function() {
    getImdbInfo( $(this).closest('td').prev('.results-title').text() );

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