javascript - 替换 javascript 对象中的字段?使用 splice 和 push,splice 的 indexOf 返回 -1 值?

标签 javascript arrays loops object indexing


var positions = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth'];

目标是重建一个 Javascript 对象,默认设置为:

currentPositioning = { 'positioning': [
                                      { 'first': false },
                                      { 'second': false },
                                      { 'third': false },
                                      { 'fourth': false } 

循环遍历位置数组以重建 currentPositioning 对象:

function setPositions(element, index, array) {
    if (element == 'first') {
        // define objSplice object
        var objSplice = {};
        // set object of 'array.element' to false .. {'element': false}
        objSplice[element] = false;
        console.log('objSplice = ' + JSON.stringify(objSplice));
        // find index that matches {'element': false}
        var index = currentPositioning["positioning"].indexOf( objSplice );
        console.log('index = ' + index);
        if (index > -1) {
                // remove index that matches {'element': false}
            currentPositioning["positioning"].splice(index, 1);
        // define obj object
        var obj = {};
        // set obj object of 'array.element' to true .. {'element': true}
        obj[element] = true;
        // add {'element': true} to array
        currentPositioning["positioning"].push( obj );
    if (element == 'second') {

基本上,如果位置数组中存在一个位置,则 currentPositioning 对象中的该位置设置为 true ..否则应保留


var positions = ['first', 'second', 'third'];


currentPositioning = { 'positioning': [
                                      { 'first': true },
                                      { 'second': true },
                                      { 'third': true },
                                      { 'fourth': false } 

由于某种原因,现在 index = -1 .. 每次 .. 所以结果不断变成这样!? :

currentPositioning = { 'positioning': [
                                      { 'first': false },
                                      { 'second': false },
                                      { 'third': false },
                                      { 'fourth': false },
                                      { 'first': true },
                                      { 'second': true },
                                      { 'third': true },



var positions = ['first', 'second', 'third'];

var updatedPositions =['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth'], function(p) {
  var json={};
  json[p] = _.contains(positions,p);
  return json;

var currentPositioning = { 'positioning': [

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