javascript - 嵌套 ng-repeat $first 和 $last?

标签 javascript jquery angularjs


<tbody ng-repeat="attGroup in attributesGroups">
        <td class="vcenter text-right">
            &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:" ng-click="!$last && updateGroupOrder(,'down')" title="move down"><i class="entypo-down-open-big"></i></a>
            &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:" ng-click="!$first && updateGroupOrder(,'up')" title="move up"><i class="entypo-up-open-big"></i></a>                
    <tr ng-repeat="att in attGroup.attributes">            
        <td class="vcenter text-right">
            &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:" ng-click="!$last && updateAttributeOrder(,'down')" title="move down"><i class="entypo-down-open-big"></i></a>
            &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:" ng-click="!$first && updateAttributeOrder(,'up')" title="move up"><i class="entypo-up-open-big"></i></a>


你看我在attributesGroups ng-repeat和attributesGroups.attributes ng-repeat中都使用了$last/$first。现在我的问题是第二个$last和$first属于attributesGroups还是attributesGroups.attributes?


$first/$last 取决于调用它的上下文。

<tbody ng-repeat="attGroup in XXX">
        <!--- HERE $first/$last belongs to XXX --->
    <tr ng-repeat="att in YYY">            
        <!--- HERE $first/$last belongs to YYY --->

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