c++ - 对内联函数有不同的定义是未定义的行为吗?

标签 c++ inline undefined-behavior function-prototypes


// --------inline.h--------
struct X { 
  static inline void foo ();
#ifdef YES
inline void X::foo () { cout << "YES\n"; }
inline void X::foo () { cout << "NO\n"; }

// --------file1.cpp--------
#define YES    // <---- 
void fun1 ()

// --------file2.cpp--------
void fun2 ()

如果我们调用fun1()fun2(),那么它们将分别打印YESNO ,这意味着它们引用相同 X::foo() 的不同函数体。





C++03 标准:

7.1.2 函数说明符 [dcl.fct.spec]
第 4 段:

An inline function shall be defined in every translation unit in which it is used and shall have exactly the same definition in every case (3.2). [Note: a call to the inline function may be encountered before its definition appears in the translation unit. ] If a function with external linkage is declared inline in one translation unit, it shall be declared inline in all translation units in which it appears; no diagnostic is required. An inline function with external linkage shall have the same address in all translation units. A static local variable in an extern inline function always refers to the same object. A string literal in an extern inline function is the same object in different translation units.


3.2 一条定义规则[basic.def.odr]
第 1 段:

No translation unit shall contain more than one definition of any variable, function, class type, enumeration type or template.

关于c++ - 对内联函数有不同的定义是未定义的行为吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11200805/


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