javascript - 从 <pre> 读取数字

标签 javascript html pre

我正在尝试计算预标记中数字数组中的某些数字。比如数一下有多少个数字是7或7以上。 例如我有这个

    <pre class="data">2 7 3 1 2
    6   6   2   5   3
    8   2   5   9   9
    5   10  5   6   10
    2   10  3   </pre>


    document.getElementsByTagName ('PRE')[0] = document.getElementsByTagName ('PRE')[0] (/\t+$/, '')


我看过这个帖子:Using <pre> tag to display data in columns?并尝试使用 for 循环抓取 $entry[i],但我无法读取单个数字。



var str = document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0].textContent;

str                                 // take the string and
    .split('\n')                    // break it into an array of lines;
    .map(function(line) {           // then transform each line by
        return line                 // taking the line,
            .trim()                 // removing leading and trailing spaces,
            .split(/\s+/)           // and breaking it into an array at whitespace,
            .map(Number);           // with each piece cast to a number.

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